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vb. (present participle of resurrect English)

Usage examples of "resurrecting".

You will then cease to exist, and so will any possibility of resurrecting Ana.

The resurrecting force which for all practical purposes made everyone on the Riverworld indestructible just did not enter into it.

When monological thought turns nature into God, then spiritual liberation consists not in resurrecting a forgotten Spirit but in digging up a repressed sexuality.

Jesus, like Lazarus, could be reborn in the manner of the Osiran mystery school, resurrecting into the form of Osiris himself.

Healers and Demons first - Gamelords, what a job it will be to sort out both bodies and blues and be sure they match - then get teams of them resurrecting the others.

SAVAGE had put the mummy through six complicated stages of the resurrecting process.

Usually it was used in assessing damage to meteor-punctured space-construction servos or remote units by resurrecting dead software for examination.