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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Rumors resurfaced that the sale of the company might fall through.
▪ After three months of hard work, as the team put together its final recommendations, their initial concerns resurfaced.
▪ At the same period the alternative church of love resurfaced in the form of Catharism.
▪ Despite this, I felt it would be better to prove myself in basic training before allowing my real personality to resurface.
▪ Now that the portability of the microfilm system makes it an attractive product, the unresolved controversy may resurface.
▪ Now the old image of a mean-spirited Dole immediately resurfaces.
▪ The cost of resurfacing a damaged playground is enormous.
▪ The M 1 is perpetually being resurfaced, a task that seems to be as endless as repainting the Forth bridge.
▪ They postpone spending on road repair until the road has to be rebuilt, at three times the cost of simple resurfacing.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1886, "to provide with a fresh surface," from re- "back, again" + surface (v.). Meaning "to come to the surface again" is recorded from 1953. Related: Resurfaced; resurfacing.


vb. 1 (context intransitive English) To come once again to the surface 2 (context transitive English) To provide a new surface, to replace or remodel the surface of something, or to restore a surface. To put a new coating or finish on a surface. 3 (context intransitive English) To arise or become evident again. To re-occur or reappear. 4 (context transitive rare English) To make something reappear. 5 (cx lang=en of a person) To come out of hiding or obscurity.

  1. v. reappear on the surface

  2. cover with a new surface

  3. appear again; "The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York"

Usage examples of "resurface".

JANET DAILEY Her intense dislike for the requisite military discipline resurfaced as Cappy picked up her pencil and attempted to concentrate on the meteorology test, but she was conscious of all that went on at the classroom doorway.

Opening my fist, I tossed the polyhedron over my shoulder and in the direction of the Edge, just as a distant and desiccated memory resurfaced.

What scenario seems more likely to you-that a four-hundred-year-old satanic cult has resurfaced with an advanced weapon of mass destruction, or that some prankster at CERN is trying to disrupt a sacred Vatican event with a well-executed fraud?

They had done all the restoration work themselves, moving beams and bathrooms, stripping woodwork, rewiring, retiling, resurfacing.

Now it had been propped up and resurfaced with plastics and stainless steel and glass, and it was a laboratory.

As I slowed my breathing, my longstanding attitude about assassin droids resurfaced: Never worry about one you can see.

Among the omens of that change would be the resurfacing of figures from those ancient days.

I believe the Illuminati have resurfaced to make good on an ancient pact.

The overpowering magnetism that had always held them quickly resurfaced, pulling them together.

When they resurfaced, she never even saw the floating barrel as she was hit in the shoulder and knocked away from him.

THE INITIAL PANIC AND PARANOIA Joel experienced over his first killing resurfaced regularly over the next eighteen months, he had no trouble falling asleep less than an hour after snuffing out the life of his first victim.

WolfStar is resurfacing, Axis, and it is resurfacing about one person.

They stashed him at headquarters for a while, but then the flap about the Chinese government making campaign contributions blew up, and Kreiss resurfaced his accusations.

He worked from three till eleven six days a week, keeping the locker rooms in order, sweeping trash front the seating areas, resurfacing the ice with the Zamboni machine, and doing whatever odd jobs needed doing.

He resurfaced in Bogota three years later, where he got to be asshole buddies with some people involved in cocaine traffic.