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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Restorationist \Res`to*ra"tion*ist\, n. One who believes in a temporary future punishment and a final restoration of all to the favor and presence of God; a Universalist.


n. 1 A supporter of restorationism. 2 (context religion English) One who believes in a temporary future punishment and a final restoration of all to the favour and presence of God; a Universalist.

Usage examples of "restorationist".

Index is a restorationist, specializing in the paintings of Jackson Pollock.

A politically savvy cynic could wonder if a more restrictive regime was gaining a foothold on Earth, taking advantage of the Restorationist scandal.

I am tempted to take Silvia and flee to Stick Around to observe the progress on my house, to watch Clifford Stone and his restorationists make love to it with their scrapers, their sandpaper, their paint remover, and their fancy wallpapering equipment.

Inner Worlds saw all those facts in operation and recognized a state of affairs that contradicted near-religious dogma back on Earth: the Restorationists had been a flourishing party that actually talked about relaxing the Purity Laws in the Inner Worlds.