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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Resplendence \Re*splen"dence\ (r?*spl?n"dens), Resplendency \Re*splen"den*cy\ (-den*s?), n. [L. resplendentia.] The quality or state of being resplendent; brilliant luster; vivid brightness; splendor.

Son! thou in whom my glory I behold In full resplendence, heir of all my might.

The resplendency of his own almighty goodness.
--Dr. J. Scott.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Late Latin resplendentia, from stem of Latin resplendens (see resplendent).


n. The property of being, or that which causes something to be, resplendent.


n. brilliant radiant beauty; "the glory of the sunrise" [syn: glory, resplendency]

Usage examples of "resplendence".

If a Christian sets aside traditionary forms and blind imitation of ceremonials and investigates the reality of the gospels, he will discover that the foundation principles of the teachings of His Holiness Christ were mercy, love, fellowship, benevolence, altruism, the resplendence or radiance of divine bestowals, acquisition of the breaths of the Holy Spirit and oneness with God.

The visitor was a big, black-haired man, inclined to puffiness, whose whiskers and moustache seemed to have been blackleaded, they shone with such resplendence.

His lean frame was flattered by a finely tailored suit of Hong Kong silk, his shoes were obviously bench made, his tie an objet d'art of vivid and wondrous resplendence.