n. (context obsolete English) respite
Usage examples of "respit".
Those same against the bulwarke of the SightDid lay strong siege, and battailous assault,Ne once did yield it respit day nor night,But soone as Titan gan his head exault,And soone againe as he his light withhault,Their wicked engins they against it bent:That is each thing, by which the eyes may fault:But two then all more huge and violent,Beautie, and money, they that Bulwarke sorely rent.
And hem she yaf hir moebles, and hir thyng, And to the Pope Urban bitook hem tho, And seyde, "I axed this at hevene kyng To han respit thre dayes, and namo, To recomende to yow er that I go Thise soules, lo, and that I myghte do werche Heere of myn hous perpetuelly a chirche.