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resonating chamber

n. 1 a chamber whose dimensions allow sound to echo and build up 2 a similar chamber that allows resonance of electromagnetic waves

resonating chamber

n. a hollow chamber whose dimensions allow the resonant oscillation of electromagnetic or acoustic waves [syn: resonator, cavity resonator]

Usage examples of "resonating chamber".

The way the strings weave in and out of reality, the intricate interior of the resonating chamber—.

But it was here in this resonating chamber that, with no moving parts save for the myriad bypass switches that could be manually engaged, the generator channeled that unthinkable force to split the compressed web of four-dimensional spacetime, and slip the Enterprise along the infinitely small pathways that snaked through otherspace.

If the resulting sound is picked up from inside the resonating chamber, as it is with a throat mike, it is not too different from ordinary speech, only a bit more blurred.

The krippo trilled through its nostrils, which must have some kind of strings and resonating chamber.

What we need is a big resonating chamber, to produce the low notes.

A small parf of the assembly consisted of inserting a tube which would serve the double function of a resonating chamber between the outer skin of the satellite and a tiny microphone half the size of a sweet pea which would then translate the sound made by the outer shell into radio signals which amateurs on the Earth surface fifteen hundred miles below could follow.

Now there's more to this part, like the larynx moving up and down to change the size of the resonating chamber of the pharynx and further altering the tone, but we'll move on now to the really tricky part.