a. (common misspelling of resistant English) n. (common misspelling of resistant English)
Usage examples of "resistent".
She tried to think why, and again found her mind resistent to inquiry.
Ariel had proved more resistent than anyone had imagined, and she had been torn about leaving her younger children in the charge of their nurse.
Our clothes are dirt and water resistent and dry quickly, but believe me, it is far nicer to have them dry off you than to have them dry while you are wearing them.
It is not only stronger and more resistent than hemp but it possesses beter properties of weather resistance, being less affected by moisture and temperature changes.
Gewiß ebenso narrensicher und resistent gegen unbefugtes elektronisches Eindringen.
Endowed learning is apt to be timid and conservative learning, lacking in initiative and resistent to innovation, unless it has the spur of contact with independent minds.