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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ "Oh well," she said with a resigned look in her eyes.
▪ It is too easy to become resigned to what we feel to be inevitable.
▪ It was just lying on its poor back with its legs stuck up and a dreadfully resigned look on its dear face!
▪ Their replies also revealed resigned attitudes - washing of the hands for whatever brutalities were taking place.
▪ There didn't look much wrong with the hedgehog but it had a sad, resigned sort of a face.
▪ Tourists navigated with resigned expressions: this was Holiday and at least you could understand the lingo.
▪ You can become resigned to the monotony of captivity and give up the struggle to maintain your own interests and identity.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Resign \Re*sign"\ (r?-z?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resigned (-z?nd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Resigning.] [F. r['e]signer, L. resignare to unseal, annul, assign, resign; pref. re- re- + signare to seal, stamp. See Sign, and cf. Resignation.]

  1. To sign back; to return by a formal act; to yield to another; to surrender; -- said especially of office or emolument. Hence, to give up; to yield; to submit; -- said of the wishes or will, or of something valued; -- also often used reflexively.

    I here resign my government to thee.

    Lament not, Eve, but patiently resign What justly thou hast lost.

    What more reasonable, than that we should in all things resign up ourselves to the will of God?

  2. To relinquish; to abandon.

    He soon resigned his former suit.

  3. To commit to the care of; to consign. [Obs.]

    Gentlement of quality have been sent beyong the seas, resigned and concredited to the conduct of such as they call governors.

    Syn: To abdicate; surrender; submit; leave; relinquish; forego; quit; forsake; abandon; renounce.

    Usage: Resign, Relinquish. To resign is to give up, as if breaking a seal and yielding all it had secured; hence, it marks a formal and deliberate surrender. To relinquish is less formal, but always implies abandonment and that the thing given up has been long an object of pursuit, and, usually, that it has been prized and desired. We resign what we once held or considered as our own, as an office, employment, etc. We speak of relinquishing a claim, of relinquishing some advantage we had sought or enjoyed, of relinquishing seme right, privilege, etc. ``Men are weary with the toil which they bear, but can not find it in their hearts to relinquish it.''
    --Steele. See Abdicate.


Resigned \Re*signed"\ (r[-e]*z[imac]nd"), a. Submissive; yielding; not disposed to resist or murmur.

A firm, yet cautious mind; Sincere, though prudent; constant, yet resigned.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"submissive, full of resignation," 1690s, past participle adjective from resign (v.). Related: Resignedly.

  1. Characterized by resignation or acceptance. v

  2. (en-past of: resign)

  1. adj. (followed by `to') having come to accept; "resigned to his fate" [syn: resigned(p)]

  2. showing utter resignation or hopelessness; "abject surrender" [syn: abject, unhopeful]

Resigned (album)

Resigned is an album from 1997 by singer-songwriter Michael Penn.

All songs by Michael Penn:

  1. "Try"
  2. "Me Around
  3. "Like Egypt Was
  4. "Out of My Hands"
  5. "All That That Implies"
  6. "Selfish"
  7. "Cover Up"
  8. "Figment"
  9. "Small Black Box"
  10. "Comfort"
  11. "I Can Tell"

Usage examples of "resigned".

He must needs weave his phantasy into some quietly melancholy fabric of didactic or allegorical cast, in which his meekly resigned cynicism may display with naive moral appraisal the perfidy of a human race which he cannot cease to cherish and mourn despite his insight into its hypocrisy.

But the first two appointees, Henry Kissinger and former Democratic senator George Mitchell, resigned within days, citing potential conflicts of interest.

Lord Beryn would arrive at court to answer the formal charges, Rhodry resigned himself to keeping a close watch over the tieryn and hoping for the best.

Peeling clear of the wood, curling tighter and tighter, and finally crumbling into small bits with what must have been malignly silent suddenness, the portrait of Joseph Curwen had resigned forever its staring surveillance of the youth it so strangely resembled, and now lay scattered on the floor as a thin coating of fine blue-grey dust.

Within a mere sixteen months, that president resigned to accept an office in the state government, and Meany decided to run for his position.

He therefore appeared before Aunt Chloe with a touchingly subdued, resigned expression, like one who has suffered immeasurable hardships in behalf of a persecuted fellow-creature,--enlarged upon the fact that Missis had directed him to come to Aunt Chloe for whatever might be wanting to make up the balance in his solids and fluids,--and thus unequivocally acknowledged her right and supremacy in the cooking department, and all thereto pertaining.

Having caught your fish, you may cook him in a thousand ways, but it is doubtful whether, even with the finest sauce, a pompano will taste half as good as the infantile muskellunge, several pounds under the legal weight, fried unskilfully in pork fat by a horny-handed woodsman, kneeling before an open fire, eighteen minutes after you had given up all hope of having fish for dinner, and had resigned yourself to the dubious prospect of salt pork, eggs, and coffee which any self-respecting coffee-mill would fail to recognize.

The public has so long listened to these funereal solos that if a few of the poets thus impatient to be gone were to go, their departure would perhaps be attended by that resigned speeding which the proverb invokes on behalf of the parting guest.

But it is my balsamic advice, that rather than promulgate this matter, the two malcontents should abdicate, and that a precept should be placarded at this sederunt as if they were not here, but had resigned and evaded their places, precursive to the meeting.

Emile Ollivier had resigned as Premier and War Minister, and Her Majesty the Regent had proclaimed as his successor the Comte de Palikao.

Braving the displeasure of the assembly, he mounted the tribune, resigned the Presidentship, renounced his seat as a deputy, and threw aside his robes.

For a while he filled both the pastorate of the church and the principalship of Stanton, but finding it impracticable to hold both he finally resigned the pastorate, after having served the church for five years.

The Arians, conscious that their reign had expired, resigned the temple to the Catholics, who rescued their saint from profane hands, performed the holy rites, and loudly proclaimed the creed of Athanasius and Justinian.

That he might remove every suspicion, he resigned the Imperial purple a second time, professing himself at length convinced of the vanity of greatness and ambition.

In the same year he resigned his Gresham professorship and married Elizabeth Walter.