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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reside \Re*side"\ (r?-z?d"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Resided; p. pr. & vb. n. Residing.] [F. r['e]sider, L. residere; pref. re- re- + sedere to sit. See Sit. ]

  1. To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; to have a settled abode for a time; to abide continuosly; to have one's domicile of home; to remain for a long time.

    At the moated grange, resides this dejected Mariana.

    In no fixed place the happy souls reside.

  2. To have a seat or fixed position; to inhere; to lie or be as in attribute or element.

    In such like acts, the duty and virtue of contentedness doth especially reside.

  3. To sink; to settle, as sediment. [Obs.]

    Syn: To dwell; inhabit; sojourn; abide; remain; live; domiciliate; domicile.


vb. (present participle of reside English)

Usage examples of "residing".

The Negro, however, according to the Chief Justice, was ineligible to attain United States citizenship either from a State or by virtue of birth in the United States, even as a free man descended from a Negro residing as a free man in one of the States at the date of ratification of the Constitution.

Instead of residing in the palace of Rome, Honorius declared that it was his pleasure to return to the secure fortress of Ravenna.

They embraced the alternative of residing in Italy, as the subjects and soldiers of Justinian, or departing with a portion of their private wealth, in search of some independent country.

And when a State is admitted into the Union Congress may, in the enabling act, reserve authority to legislate in the future respecting the Indians residing within the new State, and may declare that existing acts of Congress relating to traffic and intercourse with them shall remain in force.

If during the time he is residing here he should be found guilty of conduct contrary to the rules and regulations laid down by Congress, he can be deported.

Ballon, that a citizen of the United States, residing in any State of the Union, is a citizen of that State.

But a treaty may also contain provisions which confer certain rights upon the citizens or subjects of one of the nations residing in the territorial limits of the other, which partake of the nature of municipal law, and which are capable of enforcement as between private parties in the courts of the country.

A State law making it discretionary with the courts to entertain an action by a nonresident of the State against a foreign corporation doing business in the State, was sustained since it was applicable alike to citizens and noncitizens residing out of the State.

United States or who are brought to the United States for trial for alleged offenses committed elsewhere, not to citizens residing or temporarily sojourning abroad.

Thus, where the applicable rule so required at the time of the granting of its charter, a water company may be compelled to furnish connections at its own expense to one residing on an ungraded street in which it voluntarily laid its lines.

Three recent attacks on inequalities in the effective voting power of persons residing in different geographical areas were likewise unsuccessful.

A kinswoman residing in Lucknow, a Mrs Grantham, had already left for the cool of Simla, and although there were other British women in the city, Sabrina had never been intimate with any of them.

Clark spent many winters in Europe, residing at different times in Paris and in Rome, but his summers were usually devoted to Cooperstown, and the present stone house at Fernleigh was his summer home for twenty-three years.

Places such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art that passed by her on the right, residing in Central Park.

And Yekomekhd, or as you say, Jesus, will be the governor, president, king, residing too in this government or kingdom, which will rule the paradise universe.