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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Resent \Re*sent"\ (r?-z?nt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Resented; p. pr. & vb. n. Resenting.] [F. ressentir; L. pref. re- re- + sentire to feel. See Sense.]

  1. To be sensible of; to feel; as:

    1. In a good sense, to take well; to receive with satisfaction. [Obs.]

      Which makes the tragical ends of noble persons more favorably resented by compassionate readers.
      --Sir T. Browne.

    2. In a bad sense, to take ill; to consider as an injury or affront; to be indignant at.

  2. To express or exhibit displeasure or indignation at, as by words or acts.

    The good prince King James . . . bore dishonorably what he might have resented safely.

  3. To recognize; to perceive, especially as if by smelling; -- associated in meaning with sent, the older spelling of scent to smell. See Resent, v. i. [Obs.]

    This bird of prey resented a worse than earthly savor in the soul of Saul.

    Our King Henry the Seventh quickly resented his drift.


vb. (present participle of resent English)

Usage examples of "resenting".

Suddenly they stop talking in a loving manner and automatically begin hurting each other: blaming, complaining, accusing, demanding, resenting, and doubting.

Rather than resenting him for giving less, she can constructively work with him to solve the problem.

If a woman secretly resents a man, a meal she may cook for him will mean very little to himhe may even give minus points because she was resenting him.

I knew to please her and make her happy, while inside I was resenting her rejection of me.

Caius Julius the consul, in the absence of his colleague, without casting lots, dedicated the temple of Apollo: Quintius resenting this, when, after disbanding his army, he returned into the city, made a complaint of it in the senate to no purpose.

At Fye for running away, at his mother for precipitating it and at himself for resenting the time it would take to find his sister when he wanted to begin his search for King Emmil.

Perhaps he blamed her as the bearer of ill tidings, resenting her for shattering his dreams.