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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Resentful \Re*sent"ful\ (-f?l), a. Inclined to resent; easily provoked to anger; irritable. -- Re*sent"ful*ly, adv.


adv. In a resentful manner.


adv. with resentment; in a resentful manner; "the best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a Minister"

Usage examples of "resentfully".

Feeling resentfully like an unwanted extra, Abby followed them out onto a wide terrace overlooking the harbour and the North Shore.

And yet, she thought resentfully, it was the best she was ever likely to see.

Not many people were outside in the midmorning sun, and those who were stared resentfully as the Skins lumbered past.

The current watch moved among their tasks effectively but resentfully.

The frood had spouted all that stuff on purpose, Quellen thought resentfully, by way of establishing his intellectual supremacy.

The one, no doubt, that Atelic had referred to so resentfully, the one he'd wanted to best.

Jack Hurley, in aloha sports shirt, slacks, and crepe-soled shoes, clodded resentfully over to Courtland and waved his cigar in his face.

He did think, rather resentfully, that Dalamar might at least have spent some magic on a chimney sweep.

Tansy especially, he was sure, had at first found everything nerveracking: the keen-honed faculty rivalries, the lip-service to all species of respectability, the bland requirement (which would have sent a simple mechanic into spasms) that faculty wives work for the college out of pure loyalty, the elaborate social responsibilities, and the endless chaperoning of resentfully fawning students (for Hempnell was one of those colleges which offer anxious parents an alternative to the unshepherded freedom of what Norman recalled a local politician having described as “those hotbeds of communism and free love”—the big metropolitan universities).

In London, amongst men of more natural parts and longer purses than his, it was almost impossible to make a hit: particularly (as he had often and resentfully thought) if one had the misfortune to be overshadowed by so magnificent a cousin as the Nonesuch, who, besides being universally acknowledged as Top-of-the-Trees, commanded as much liking as admiration.

Flick looked out at the modest houses with vegetables growing in the front gardens, the country post offices where grumpy postmistresses resentfully doled out penny stamps, and the assorted pubs with their warm beer and battered pianos, and she felt profoundly grateful that the Nazis had not got this far.

Tansy especially, he was sure, had at first found everything nerveracking: the keen-honed faculty rivalries, the lip-service to all species of respectability, the bland requirement (which would have sent a simple mechanic into spasms) that faculty wives work for the college out of pure loyalty, the elaborate social responsibilities, and the endless chaperoning of resentfully fawning students (for Hempnell was one of those colleges which offer anxious parents an alternative to the unshepherded freedom of what Norman recalled a local politician having described as “.

She approached a vending machine, then just stood there, staring at it resentfully.