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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Require \Re*quire"\ (r?-kw?r"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Required (-kw?rd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Requiring.] [OE. requeren, requiren, OF. requerre, F. requ?rir; L. pref. re- re- + quaerere to ask; cf. L. requirere. See Query, and cf. Request, Requisite.]

  1. To demand; to insist upon having; to claim as by right and authority; to exact; as, to require the surrender of property.

    Shall I say to C[ae]sar What you require of him?

    By nature did what was by law required.

  2. To demand or exact as indispensable; to need.

    Just gave what life required, and gave no more.

    The two last [biographies] require to be particularly noticed.
    --J. A. Symonds.

  3. To ask as a favor; to request.

    I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way.
    --Ezra viii. 22.

    Syn: To claim; exact; enjoin; prescribe; direct; order; demand; need.


n. (context archaic English) requirement vb. (present participle of require English)

Usage examples of "requiring".

Compared with the Constitutional Document, with its 7,000 words more or less, the bulk of material requiring to be noticed in the preparation of an annotation of this kind is simply immense.

Indeed the Court has, without appealing to the Twenty-first Amendment, even gone so far as to uphold a statute requiring a permit for transportation of liquor through the enacting State.

The question remained academic until the Civil War, when Congress passed a law requiring its members to take an oath that they had never been disloyal to the Federal Government.

In that year it passed a law requiring the election of Representatives by districts.

The end sought by Congress through the Hatch Act is better public service by requiring those who administer funds for national needs to abstain from active political partisanship.

Court, on the application of the complaining State, acting as representative of the interests of its citizens, granted an injunction requiring that a bridge, erected over the Ohio under a charter from the State of Virginia, either be altered so as to admit of free navigation of the river, or else be entirely abated.

At the same time a California statute requiring a bond from shipowners as a condition precedent to their being permitted to land persons whom a State commissioner of immigration might choose to consider as coming within certain enumerated classes, e.

And in 1943 the Court sustained, though again in somewhat doubtful terms, the order of a State railroad commission requiring a terminal railroad which served both interstate and local commerce to provide caboose cars for its employees.

State statute requiring as a safety measure that trains come almost to a stop at grade crossings, outweigh the local interest in safety, when it appealed that compliance increased the scheduled running time more than six hours in a distance of one hundred and twenty-three miles.

Also, the Court has consistently sustained State regulations requiring motor carriers to provide adequate insurance protection for injuries caused by the negligent operation of their vehicles.

Pennsylvania statute requiring others than railroad or steamship companies, who engage in the intrastate sale of steamship tickets or of orders for transportation to and from foreign countries, to procure a license by giving proof of good moral character and filing a bond as security against fraud and misrepresentation to purchasers, was an infringement of the Commerce Clause.

State agency in requiring a telephone company to revise its intrastate toll rates so as to conform to rates charged for comparable distances in interstate service.

However, a Pennsylvania statute requiring dealers to obtain licenses was sustained as to one who procured milk from neighboring farms and shipped it all into a neighboring State for sale.

And in 1912 it was held that an Indiana statute regulating the sale of concentrated commercial feeding stuff and requiring the disclosure of ingredients by certificate and label, and providing for inspection and analysis, was not in conflict with the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906.

However, when Wisconsin about the same time passed an act requiring that when certain commodities were offered for sale in that State they should bear the label required by State law and no other, she was informed that she could not validly apply it to articles which had been labeled in accordance with the federal statute nor did it make any difference that the goods in question had been removed from the container in which they had been shipped into the State, inasmuch as they could still be proceeded against under the act of Congress.