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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Repulsive \Re*pul"sive\ (-s?v), a. [Cf. F. r['e]pulsif.]

  1. Serving, or able, to repulse; repellent; as, a repulsive force.

    Repulsive of his might the weapon stood.

  2. Cold; forbidding; offensive; as, repulsive manners. [1913 Webster] -- Re*pul"sive*ly, adv. -- Re*pul"sive*ness, n.


n. The characteristic of being repulsive.


n. the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions [syn: loathsomeness, sliminess, vileness]

Usage examples of "repulsiveness".

Ikey, who at the age of twenty-one was already coming on as a notorious magsman and was thought not without spare silver jiggling in his pockets, came along, his very repulsiveness made him attractive to her.

The wintry sun had something of geniality and warmth, the landscape lost some of its repulsiveness, the dreary palmettos had less of that hideousness which made us regard them as very fitting emblems of treason.

For the five hundredth time a patient stood forward to have his repulsivenesses stroked.