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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Republication \Re*pub`li*ca"tion\ (r?-p?b`l?-k?"sh?n), n. A second publication, or a new publication of something before published, as of a former will, of a volume already published, or the like; specifically, the publication in one country of a work first issued in another; a reprint.

If there be many testaments, the last overthrows all the former; but the republication of a former will revokes one of a later date, and establishes the first.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1730, from re- + publication.


n. The act of publishing again.

  1. n. something that has been published again; a fresh publication (as of a literary work)

  2. the act of publishing again [syn: republishing]

Usage examples of "republication".

It was true that the original issue of the Friend contained poetical contributions which do not appear in the republication.

Any of these volumes which you do not possess, are at your service for the purpose of republication, but the unprinted laws are dispersed through many MS.