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vb. (present participle of reproduce English)

Usage examples of "reproducing".

All over the country African bees were spreading, entrenching, reproducing, swarming again, despite careful swch-and-destroy missions to find them.

Therefore, unable to choose a gift with personal significance, he had opted for something he knew to be universally admired: a bellflower from Artemis Three, or as close as he could come to reproducing one.

Did I tell you that our bioresearch division has reengineered a naturally reproducing cliff swallow?

Though Garrick was more successful in his Johnsonian recitation of poetry, Boswell won in reproducing his familiar conversation.

Herbert, enticed by the charms of the sky, thought of reproducing Union Bay, which was opposite to Prospect Heights, from Cape Mandible to Claw Cape.

The means of reproducing and distributing copies of the many ancient maps which are scattered among the various libraries of Europe were then very imperfect, and the science of Comparative Cartography, of which the importance is now well recognised, was in its infancy.

Imagine neotenics breeding, reproducing, and never attaining an adult form.

Every technological innovation was bitterly resisted by Luddite printers and publishers: stereotyping, the iron press, the application of steam power, mechanical typecasting and typesetting, new methods of reproducing illustrations, cloth bindings, machine-made paper, ready-bound books, paperbacks, book clubs, and book tokens.

He stepped close to Deneb and touched her hand, his glove reproducing the feel of her smooth scales, invulnerable to vacuum.

But he kept his head, and at the end of the time mentioned above he broke off with a sudden conclusion, which, reproducing the opening statement, pleasantly surprised Sir Ethelred by its apparent swiftness and force.

If these swarms were reproducing every three hours, it meant they had turned over something like 100 generations in the last two weeks.

And if you ask the bacteria busily reproducing there, they will tell you that it's paradise.

By the time it was reproducing intensely colorful herringbones and checkerboards, the crew had abandoned its initial fear in favor of spontaneous bursts of applause.

Chief Inspector Holyland continued, secure in the knowledge that he had a brand new act of Parliament behind him and a coachload of policemen parked round the corner in Larkspur Avenue: ``In accordance with the Former Royal Persons Act, section nine, paragraph five, photographing, interviewing and filming for the purpose of reproducing the said practices in the print or broadcasting media is forbidden.

Darwin's phrase "natural selection" refers to certain individuals of a species surviving better, and / or reproducing more successfully, than competing individuals of the same species under natural conditions.