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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reproachful \Re*proach"ful\ (-f?l), a.

  1. Expressing or containing reproach; upbraiding; opprobrious; abusive.

    The reproachful speeches . . . That he hath breathed in my dishonor here.

  2. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base; as, a reproachful life.

    Syn: Opprobrious; contumelious; abusive; offensive; insulting; contemptuous; scornful; insolent; scurrilous; disreputable; discreditable; dishonorable; shameful; disgraceful; scandalous; base; vile; infamous. [1913 Webster] -- Re*proach"ful*ly (r?-pr?ch"f?l-l?), adv. -- Re*proach"ful*ness, n.


n. The state or quality of being reproachful.

Usage examples of "reproachfulness".

I was aware of a good girl’s reproachfulness and disdain, along with a perceptible, physical empathy.

Her beauty acquired an ampler and richer cast, and she had a manner of looking at you as she slowly turned away with a vague reproachfulness that was at the same time an encouragement, which had lighted a hopeless flame in many a youthful breast.