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n. (plural of reprisal English)

Usage examples of "reprisals".

The order has therefore been given to amputate without hesitation, as reprisals, every damaged limb.

Provided you adhere to its letter, no further reprisals will be exacted.

Gutruatus of the Carnutes was turned over to Caesar by his own people, too terrified of Roman reprisals to succor him.

Are we simple-minded enough to believe that taking reprisals was a form of warfare only practised by the Germans?

There were, unfortunately, a number of such outrages, when reprisals were taken against a civilian population.

There had, of course, been reprisals on British diplomats and journalists in Russia, but these were to have been expected.

Then President Kennedy had come out with the strongest speech of his career, and had committed total reprisals from the United States in the event of a single nuclear device being exploded by the Soviet Union in any country in the world outside Soviet territory.