vb. To prime again.
Usage examples of "reprime".
The men halted for a moment to get their breath and to reprime their guns.
Asara reprimed the bolt on her weapon and hurried Kaiku towards the door to the outside.
Frenchman, Sir AH had drawn the wetted loads from his pistols, recharged and reprimed them, dried off his sword, borrowed a helmet and a spikebacked boarding ax, and wangled a place in the very first wave of boarders to clamber up onto the bow of the enemy vessel.
In his haste, Master Jean had not reprimed, for when he stood the hand-cannon on end to pull the charge, the touch-powder had fallen out.
Frenchman, Sir Ali had drawn the wetted loads from his pistols, recharged and reprimed them, dried off his sword, borrowed a helmet and a spike-backed boarding ax, and wangled a place in the very first wave of boarders to clamber up onto the bow of the enemy vessel.
He reprimed the pistols in the holsters, got a second pair from a saddlebag, renewed the priming, and slipped one down the top of each jackboot.
As soon as the shelter had been reached, the bowstrings were shifted, the guns reprimed, and the match changed upon the linstocks.
The Toon Leader reprimed his pistol, then holstered it, took off his belt and laid it aside, an example the others followed.
Bushranger standing on the verge of the scrub, took deadly aim at him with his left hand as he came up, and discharging the pistol which the constable had so carefully reprimed, shot him dead on the spot.
Yugi fought stolidly alongside her, guarding her back, his rifle firing again and again, repriming between each shot with remarkable speed.
The indicator on the handgun still showed no charge, although the repriming time was well expired.
At intervals one of the super-chargers would choice up and die, requiring cleaning out and repriming, but the old tub plodded on.