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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an oppressive/repressive regime (=powerful, cruel, and unfair)
▪ That country was held fast in the grip of an oppressive regime.
▪ A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.
▪ After six years in power, Park was becoming more repressive and had his sights set on long-term rule.
▪ Labour implemented a more repressive policy on the ground than Likud while pretending to greater moderation in the international domain.
▪ He became increasingly more repressive, despite his pronouncements about creating a new society, free of corruption and graft.
▪ However, when a country reverts to more repressive politics, government policies usually demobilize many of the new foot soldiers.
▪ He immediately began harsh repressive measures and many Madeirans were deported to the Azores and some to the Cape Verde.
▪ The repressive measures adopted in the South after the Emancipation Proclamation were rapidly dissipated.
▪ When faced with locally repressive measures, some Huaraz women have threatened to call a marketers' strike.
▪ Its rejection led to a series of industrial strikes, demonstrations, and repressive measures by the Government.
▪ It is feared that this may prove the beginning of further repressive measures.
▪ By condemning the disorderly symptoms of social conflict and neglecting its causes, the media implicitly endorse further repressive measures.
▪ When we live with war, under a repressive regime we can not close our eyes any more.
▪ Both the Sandinistas and Frelimo came to power after a liberation struggle against highly repressive regimes.
▪ In the face of repressive regimes, the peasantry have shown a capacity and willingness to organise and mobilise.
▪ There is a new insistence on the illegitimacy of debts incurred by military dictatorships and other repressive regimes.
▪ The country has repressive laws and jails full of political prisoners.
▪ The customs were exceedingly repressive toward women.
▪ Both the Sandinistas and Frelimo came to power after a liberation struggle against highly repressive regimes.
▪ It is feared that this may prove the beginning of further repressive measures.
▪ It thereby assists the maintenance of domestic capitalist interests and elaborates its repressive apparatuses.
▪ Just as thirty years before, here again were feminist divisions over using the repressive state to enforce women's demands.
▪ The guaranteed absence of external intervention left the regime a free hand to continue its repressive domestic policies.
▪ This was a predominantly Protestant force which soon came to be regarded as repressive and bigoted by the Catholic minority.
▪ When we live with war, under a repressive regime we can not close our eyes any more.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Repressive \Re*press"ive\ (r?-pr?s"?v), a. [Cf. F. r['e]pressif. LL. repressivus.] Having power, or tending, to repress; as, repressive acts or measures. -- Re*press"ive*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Middle French repressif, from Latin repress-, past participle stem of reprimere (see repress). Related: Repressively.


a. Serving to repress or suppress; oppressive


adj. restrictive of action; "a repressive regime"; "an overly strict and inhibiting discipline" [syn: inhibitory, repressing]

Usage examples of "repressive".

And a conception of Anarchism, which, on one hand, threatens every vested interest, and, on the other, holds out a vision of a free and noble life to be won by a struggle against existing wrongs, is certain to rouse the fiercest opposition, and bring the whole repressive force of ancient evil into violent contact with the tumultuous outburst of a new hope.

Lenin may have had Herzen in mind, but he undoubtedly also had absorbed some lessons from the German party, which managed to grow stronger in the face of repressive antisocialist laws.

All three were imbued with this notion, that our appeal to arms not having yet been placarded, the different incidents of the Boulevarde du Temple and of the Cafe Bonvalet having brought about no results, none of our decrees, owing to the repressive measures of Bonaparte, having yet succeeded in appearing, while the events at the Mairie of the Tenth Arrondissement began to be spread abroad through Paris, it seemed as though the Right had commenced active resistance before the Left.

Compared with Roman imperialism, with its frankly assimilationist, exploitative, and repressive policies, British imperialism seemed to Cromer to be preferable, if somewhat more wishy-washy.

Lenin and other Soviet sources, he laid bare the bloody, repressive, exploitive nature of the new Moscow regime.

It gave me the impression of a disordered mechanism which had escaped the repressive and regulating action of some controlling partan effect such as might be expected if a pawl should be jostled from the teeth of a ratchet-wheel.

Lady Buxted responded in repressive accents, desiring her not to use expressions unbefitting a lady of quality, and dismissing her to the schoolroom.

Kilfoyle heroically hustled her Thady into the house as she saw him on the brink of beginning loudly to relate his encounter with the strange man, and desired him to whisht and stay where he was in a manner so sternly repressive that he actually remained there as if he had been a pebble dropped into a pool, and not, as usual, a cork to bob up again immediately.

Making public such truths is an exemplary Enlightenment project of modernist politics, and the critique of it in these contexts could serve only to aid the mystificatory and repressive powers of the regime under attack.

Descenders accuse the Ascenders of being repressive, puritanical, life-denying, sex-denying, earth-destroying, and body-ignoring.

All three were imbued with this notion, that our appeal to arms not having yet been placarded, the different incidents of the Boulevarde du Temple and of the Cafe Bonvalet having brought about no results, none of our decrees, owing to the repressive measures of Bonaparte, having yet succeeded in appearing, while the events at the Mairie of the Tenth Arrondissement began to be spread abroad through Paris, it seemed as though the Right had commenced active resistance before the Left.

The repressive policy, adopted to a certain extent by nearly all European governments, grows out of the madness of a portion of the people of the several states in seeking to force upon the nation an anti-national constitution.

The Descenders accuse the Ascenders of being repressive, puritanical, life-denying, sex-denying, earth-destroying, and body-ignoring.

In Kesey's view, modern society is a reflection of womanish values archetypically responsible, cautious, repressive, deceitful, and solemn.

In Kesey's view, modern society is a reflection of womanish values--archetypically responsible, cautious, repressive, deceitful, and solemn.