Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1855, from representation + -al (1). Specifically of visual arts from 1923. Related: Representationally.
a. Of or pertaining to representation or to representationalism
adj. used especially of art; "representational art"; "representational images" [ant: nonrepresentational]
Usage examples of "representational".
Revolutionary political militancy today, on the contrary, must rediscover what has always been its proper form: not representational but constituent activity.
In other cases, critics may fall into the same representational patterns of which Kundera can be so readily accused.
Punished for representing the world in the cubist fashion he prefers, he responds to the demand for a mural with a spitefully allegorical work that objectifies women and rigorously critiques representational art.
Instead, she maintains that it is the combination of both complicity with dominant representational strategies and critique that makes a work postmodern.
Arguing that Skreta is a comic figure or insisting that his inclusion in the novel may even contribute to the exposing of this or that male-dominated representational strategy seems of little ultimate value, especially if this strategy can only be revealed at the expense of the dignity of individual women.
Big Three to be rudely reduced to the Big One of it-language: the flatland, one-dimensional, monological systems theory of the representational and production paradigms, nightmares through and through, with all depth, whether in humans or animals or any sentient being, reduced to being merely a strand in the endlessly flat and faded system.
The subjective space that builds those representational cybernetic models is not itself built only of representations but also of interpretive and intersubjective occasions, themselves not modeled in the theory that is supposed to explain them.
Finally, democracy organizes the multitude according to a representational schema so that the People can be brought under the rule of the regime and the regime can be constrained to satisfy the needs of the People.
It is because thought is so efficaciously corporeal, and not representational, that a single body is forced to contain so many selves.
The gestalt images themselves mostly reminded it of icons it had seen before, or the stylized fleshers it had seen in representational art: far more diverse, and far more mercurial, than real fleshers could ever be.
Even the tourist art was not all drudgery, because I learnt that working with representational paintings required a discipline of line, subject and brushwork that only increased the intensity of the tactile art I went to afterwards and which no one saw.
Excess, delirium, anxiety, sublimity, preposterousness, undecidability, the mise en abîme of binary oppositions, the breakdown of representational order: these are all consequences -- or better, hi-tech "special effects" -- of presence itself, and not (as the deconstructionists too simply suppose) of the critique or deferral of presence.
The representational difficulty posed by Demi has to do with the way she speaks: the way she puts sentences together.
Kidd paints in a colorful representational style borne of the Second Generation of New York School Abstract Expressionism.
Then two quick-dotted lines-torps-appeared on the representational screen, streaming toward the Willis.