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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Representant \Rep`re*sent"ant\ (-ant), a. [Cf. F. repr?sentant.] Appearing or acting for another; representing.


Representant \Rep`re*sent"ant\, n. [F. representant.] A representative. [Obs.]
--Sir H. Wotton.


a. Appearing or acting for another; representing. n. (context obsolete English) A representative.

Usage examples of "representant".

And that which offendeth the People, is no other thing, but that they are governed, not as every one of them would himselfe, but as the Publique Representant, be it one Man, or an Assembly of men thinks fit.

And these Rights are incident to all Soveraigns, whether Monarchs, or Assemblies: for they that are the Representants of a Christian People, are Representants of the Church: for a Church, and a Commonwealth of Christian People, are the same thing.