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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Sweetman splits his subject in half into Gauguin, a morally reprehensible man, and Gauguin, a heroic artist.
▪ I find their behavior morally reprehensible.
▪ But they do suggest that public funds were used for private purposes in a reprehensible way.
▪ His crackdown on asylum seekers and his humiliating voucher system are reprehensible.
▪ In Los dos amigos the parents feelings are proved reprehensible and unjust and the virtuous characters' attitudes praiseworthy.
▪ Is the decline, where documented, reprehensible?
▪ It was highly reprehensible for a young girl who had not been properly initiated into the status of motherhood to become pregnant.
▪ Keeping remand prisoners in police stations is another matter and is reprehensible.
▪ Sweetman splits his subject in half into Gauguin, a morally reprehensible man, and Gauguin, a heroic artist.
▪ Yet in both passages the complaints are clearly meant to be regarded as reprehensible.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reprehensible \Rep`re*hen"si*ble\ (-h?n"s?-b'l), a. [L. reprehensibilis: cf. F. r['e]pr['e]hensible.] Worthy of reprehension; culpable; censurable; blamable. -- Rep`re*hen"si*ble*ness, n. -- Rep`re*hen"si*bly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Old French reprehensible (14c.) or directly from Late Latin reprehensibilis, from reprehens-, past participle stem of Latin reprehendere (see reprehend). Related: Reprehensibly; reprehensibility.


a. 1 blameworthy, censurable, guilty. 2 deserve of reprehension. n. A reprehensible person; a villain.


adj. bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure; "a criminal waste of talent"; "a deplorable act of violence"; "adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife" [syn: condemnable, criminal, deplorable]

Usage examples of "reprehensible".

The manifesto touches the question of past cruelties in animal experimentation, not merely without the slightest criticism or condemnation, but, on the contrary, with what would seem to be a definite denial that anything reprehensible had ever occurred.

I should not be fulfilling my duty to a young person who is under my charge if I refrained from pointing out to you that your conduct, since you have been under our roof, has been reprehensible and disgraceful.

Isaiah all our righteousness is as filthy rags, who shall presume to boast himself of the perfection of any virtue, or deny that from some circumstance a thing may deserve to be reprehended, which in itself perhaps was not reprehensible.

We read daily that it is reprehensible in this or that singer to indulge in this vibration, while in reality it is the tremolando which is blamed.

In a letter to Oliver Wolcott that he most likely never sent, Adams said angrily that were he to consent to the appointment of Hamilton to second rank under Washington, he would consider it the most reprehensible action of his life.

So sure was I that all the statements of Agassiz were correct and all his conclusions sound, that any doubts or criticisms upon the part of my acute and unprejudiced friend shocked me as a reprehensible compound of heresy and lese-majesty.

Oh, but I shall, when I witness such reprehensible benightedness before me.

A conservative rabbi from Yawk comes to give humble request that I give a statement to the congregation for one of the minor festivals, and I decline pointing out that for the Lubavitcher fallen members of the judaicists are more reprehensible than those who have never arrived.

I realized that all the Strums were listening in to the dialogue and probably my private thoughts as well, and that I was showing reprehensible, almost buglike uncertainty.

It may be that this use of lies and chicanes, the inventions of the Devil, is against the teachings of Holy Church and, indeed, would be reprehensible when fighting fellow Christians.

In this case, no one but you ob­jected, and, therefore, your action in taking the law into your own hands is most reprehensible, and automatically debars you from voting for a year.

In this case, no one but you objected, and, therefore, your action in taking the law into your own hands is most reprehensible, and automatically debars you from voting for a year.

He stopped, at a loss for a word to express behavior more reprehensible than bad manners.

Her household was once so wealthy that informers did not scruple to cite her family as having an 'extravagant lifestyle'- though her son says nothing so reprehensible and un-Roman really happened.

Altho' the last couplet was generally suppressed, so evident was its partial tone towards me, in the midst of it all I could not help being highly amused with the simplicity evinced by the good people of France, who, in censuring the king's conduct, found nothing reprehensible but his having omitted to select his mistress from elevated rank.