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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Replaceable \Re*place"a*ble\ (r?-pl?s"?-b'l), a.

  1. Capable or admitting of being put back into a place.

  2. Admitting of having its place supplied by a like thing or an equivalent; as, the lost book is replaceable.

  3. (Chem.) Capable of being replaced (by), or of being exchanged (for); as, the hydrogen of acids is replaceable by metals or by basic radicals.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1805, from replace (v.) + -able. Related: Replaceability.


a. Capable of being replaced.


adj. capable of being replaced [ant: irreplaceable]


Usage examples of "replaceable".

The rapid ability to replace, retrain, redact, or to replay an entire lifetime of experience through electromnemonics rendered individual minds fungible, modular, and replaceable.

Remo wondered briefly what exactly Folcroft Sanitarium was and what kind of nit would waste his time stamping and restamping a cheap, stained, easily replaceable coffee mug.

Moreover, he achieved this aim, although he failed in his further aim of making his own person appear dispensable, or at least easily replaceable.

Regul dealt with rebellious younglings, even with inconvenient younglings, instantly and without mercy, as if they were an easily replaceable commodity.