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Etymology 1 n. 1 a distribution or apportioning of something 2 (context computing English) a formatting of a hard drive into different partitions vb. (context transitive computing English) to format a hard drive into different partitions Etymology 2

n. a partitioning of something in a different manner vb. (context transitive English) to partition again


Repartition (, peredel) was a practice in the Russian Empire of the periodic redistribution of the peasant's arable land by the village community.

The traditional household did not permanently hold a particular allotment in the open fields. What the household had was the right, so long as it remained within the village community (` mir'), to a holding commensurate with its size. The mir's assembly, the skhod, periodically redistributed the arable land to allow for changes in the size of households, and for new (or extinguished) households.

Usage examples of "repartition".

Saint-Simonism proclaimed the equality of man and woman, that of industry and art and science, and the necessity of a fresh repartition of wealth and of a modification of the laws concerning property.

Over two hundred years before, in the late eighteen hundreds, there were terrorist and guerrilla organizations with names like Black Repartition, and Land and Liberty.

One possible solution would be to overturn this article and repartition the continent along tribal boundaries, but after the terrible experience of partitioning India and Pakistan, no rational person would support that view.

It seems that an Emperor of Monomotopa, whose date can be accurately fixed by internal evidence to lie after the universal deluge and before the building of the Pyramid of Cheops, was, upon his accession to the throne, particularly concerned with the just repartition of taxes among his beloved subjects.

La repartition plus egale des biens et des droits dans ce monde est le plus grand objet que doivent se proposer ceux qui menent les affaires humaines.

Facing an international struggle for the new repartition of the world market, the United States could not avoid the war, in particular because with the New Deal, the U.

Over two hundred years before, in the late eighteen hundreds, there were terrorist and guerrilla organizations with names like Black Repartition, and Land and Liberty.