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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
urban renewal
▪ an urban renewal program
▪ Supply agreements with key customers which are due for renewal shortly after the intended completion date.
▪ Although tramway traffic was still increasing in 1930 much of the equipment was due for renewal.
▪ Unkiar-Skelessi had been due for renewal anyway.
▪ We recommend all our members to seek quotations in advance of their home policies falling due for renewal.
▪ But only an enlightened few saw this as a symbol of national renewal.
▪ We believed in the idea of national catastrophe, of national renewal, of political renaissance.
▪ Of course, it could not come without national repentance and renewal on a grand scale.
▪ It would be for her a retreat, a spiritual renewal.
▪ Building anew on the old sacred texts, these innovations brought a spiritual renewal to every major faith.
▪ Why is it that no movement of spiritual renewal has ever lasted longer than the third generation?
▪ One of his greatest pleasures came from the landscapes of the Lake District, a life-long source of spiritual renewal.
▪ He has a passion to bring spiritual renewal to the whole island.
▪ Today, it continues its ministry of spiritual renewal of the church, attracting both clergy and laymen from home and abroad.
▪ Today, one of the fundamental Church requirements of the Religious Life is the call to continual spiritual renewal.
▪ An important issue associated with urban renewal concerned the locus of program control.
▪ The techniques of urban renewal remained to be filled in with regard to housing design and layout.
▪ Critics point out the neighborhood had been living under the threat of condemnation for 10 years, while urban renewal was debated.
▪ The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.
▪ In 1968 the neighborhood development program was initiated by Congress, providing an alternative approach to large-scale urban renewal.
▪ During the 1960s, neighborhoods fought against the urban renewal schemes dreamed up by professional city planners.
▪ The year was 1967, and urban renewal was abroad in the land.
▪ If the Society does not receive an application for renewal by the renewal date the Society may cancel that person's registration.
▪ No more worries about overrunning renewal dates.
▪ If you wish to take advantage of this discount, do not pay the premium shown on your renewal notice.
▪ Neither of us had our renewal notices.
▪ If they apply to you, your new premium will be shown on the enclosed renewal notice.
▪ His urban renewal program amounted to a stack full of charts and blueprints.
▪ For others, Urbank was only a re-invention of the discredited urban renewal program.
▪ Citizen involvement began in 1972 to coincide with the approval of a large urban renewal project.
▪ As of 1973, 723 communities had active renewal projects.
▪ In many cities these agencies were established as semiautonomous bodies with substantial authority for planning and executing a renewal project.
▪ Building anew on the old sacred texts, these innovations brought a spiritual renewal to every major faith.
▪ Only a new myth, he predicted, which could bring it new spiritual resources could bring renewal of life and hope.
▪ He has a passion to bring spiritual renewal to the whole island.
▪ Secondly, the challenge to the Church to bring about a renewal of society.
▪ Thirdly, the fact that each of us has a responsibility to be involved in bringing about that renewal.
▪ When Checkland's contract came up for renewal, it was renewed only for a token year.
▪ As a result, all four networks are expected to bid aggressively when those rights come up for renewal later this year.
▪ In fact, Sykes's fellowship comes up for renewal at Christmas, and the word is he won't get it.
▪ Contracts are coming up for renewal for 9, 000 projects containing 684, 000 apartments.
▪ The auction house decided to withdraw from the sale when its December 1990 contract with Lord Northampton came up for renewal.
▪ Although urban renewal efforts are under way, century-old buildings often are vacant and boarded.
▪ But only an enlightened few saw this as a symbol of national renewal.
▪ Chartwell is offering to rebate half of its renewal commission to clients-£3,144 in the case of one investor.
▪ In fact, Sykes's fellowship comes up for renewal at Christmas, and the word is he won't get it.
▪ Some have a vivid and excited sense of life and renewal.
▪ That afternoon the passport was delivered to the Soviet Embassy for renewal on an emergency application.
▪ We've already paid the ordinary renewal fee, but do you think we should also have libel slander and officials indemnity?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Renewal \Re*new"al\ (-al), n. The act of renewing, or the state of being renewed; as, the renewal of a treaty.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from renew + -al (2). Specific meaning "urban redevelopment" is from 1965, American English. Earlier noun was simply renew (early 15c.).


n. 1 The act of renewing. 2 (context fencing English) An offensive action made immediately after a parried one

  1. n. the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation [syn: reclamation, rehabilitation]

  2. the act of renewing

  3. filling again by supplying what has been used up [syn: refilling, replenishment, replacement]

Renewal (Transnistria)

Renewal or Renovation ( Russian: Обновление or Obnovleniye), is a political party in Transnistria. Since the legislative elections of 2005 it is the majority party in the Transnistrian Parliament.

It was founded as a political NGO in 2000 and campaigned under its current name in the 27 March 2005 local council elections, where, for the first time in its five-year history, it won a majority of the seats.

In the legislative elections of 10 December 2000, Renewal won 7 out of 43 seats. The organization improved on 11 December 2005 to win 23 of those 43 seats (with another 6 seats going to allies).

It was officially registered as a full political party in June 2006.

The original name of the party, in Russian, is Obnovleniye which can interchangeably be translated as either Renovation and Renewal. The party itself and most foreign press prefers the latter translation, Renewal. The party's leaders in parliament during 2005 were Mikhail Burla and Yevgeny Shevchuk. The latter was elected speaker (chairman) of parliament following the party's sweeping December 2005 win.

There was a debate regarding the position of Renewal in regards to Transnistrian president Igor Smirnov. Most analysts pointed to the party's opposition status, noting that it is not allied with President Igor Smirnov, whose party, Respublica, lost several seats to Renewal in the latest parliamentary election. However, others claim that the interests of the "Smirnov clan" are represented in all political movements of Transnistria, including Renewal.

Renewal strengthened their majority in the 2010 elections to 25 seats. In the 2011 presidential election, deputy party chairman Anatoliy Kaminski ran against incumbent Smirnov and Shevchuk, who ran as an independent. Shevchuk defeated Kaminski in the run-off.

As on 2013 Renewal holds majority in the Supreme Council of Transnistria and is in mild opposition to the current President Yevgeny Shevchuk. On 25 December 2012 the Supreme Council voted against the project of the state budget proposed by the government. Thus Transnistria is currently functioning without adopted state budget for the first time in its history. In spite of attempts to find compromise and formation of the joint commission to resolve conflict, these attempts did not lead to any results. In 2012-2013 members of the Supreme Council from the Renewal Party voted against a number of important bills proposed by President Shevchuk and by Prime Minister Pyotr Stepanov, including bills aimed to reform Internal Revenue Code and to introduce value-added taxation in Transnistria.

Renewal (religion)

Renewal is the collective term for Charismatic, pentecostal and neo-charismatic churches.


Renew or renewal may refer to:

Renewal (album)

Renewal is the sixth album by German thrash metal band Kreator released in 1992. It is their first "experimental" album, as in this release Kreator incorporated some industrial music influences in their songwriting. It is also the last album to feature original bassist Rob Fioretti. The song "Karmic Wheel" contains audio samples from the suicide of R. Budd Dwyer.

Renewal (magazine)

Renewal is a quarterly British left-wing political magazine published by Lawrence and Wishart.

Renewal (film)

Renewal, a 2008 documentary film, is the first feature-length documentary film to capture the vitality and diversity of today’s religious-environmental activists. Directed and produced by American filmmakers Marty Ostrow and Terry Kay Rockefeller, the film includes eight stories that represent the growing religious-environmental movement. Each story is set in a different religious-tradition, addressing a different environmental concern. Renewal began airing on public television stations in the United States in April, 2009.

Usage examples of "renewal".

The English, despite the fact that they are in the doctrine of faith alone, nevertheless in the exhortation to the Holy Communion openly teach self-examination, acknowledgment, confession of sins, penitence and renewal of life, and warn those who do not do these things with the words that otherwise the devil will enter into them as he did into Judas, fill them with all iniquity, and destroy both body and soul.

Czechoslovakia by German armies or aviation in force will bring about renewal of the World War.

At the door of the garden is a renewal of the same salutations and curtseys, and then the two groups of women separate, their bedaubed paper lanterns fade away trembling in the distance, balanced at the extremity of flexible canes which they hold in their fingertips as one would hold a fishing-rod in the dark to catch night-birds.

Rabbi Daniel Solomon, spiritual leader of Beit Am Hadash, which is affiliated with ALEPH, or Jewish Renewal.

We were certain of turning to good account the two hours we had then to spare before parting company, which we did at the dawn of day, humiliated at having to confess our exhaustion, but highly pleased with each other, and longing for a renewal of our delightful pleasures.

No Ephemeral, except perhaps Terab, had ever seen a Dushau in Renewal.

We may now consider the question whether fire is the sole element existing in that celestial realm and whether there is any outgoing thence with the consequent need of renewal.

My hands were weak, but I reached them out To feebler ones than mine, RENEWAL OF STRENGTH.

Girls in topheavy T-shirts and sawn-off jeans or else in superfemale parody of indigenous flounce and frill, the matrons also burgeoning in tight angular cords and a flush of freckly renewal, the bronzed brutes twanging their torsoes in the bar and enacting their ideal of modern male grace a moustachioed muscle.

Just recently the urban renewal had come in the form of the Boulevard Mall, a brand-new pseudoadobe structure built on the bulldozed graves of more traditional retail outlets.

I have seen her since with the greatest indifference, and without any renewal of the old pain.

Cyrus Harding was inclined to think that such was the case, for the development of these storms was attended by the renewal of volcanic symptoms.

The publicity seemed to continue unabated, perhaps, Celia thought, because Peptide 7 was causing so much renewal of human 411 happiness.

Siedelheim had been murdered by crackpot revolutionary elements who saw new economic ties between Germany and Liberia as a renewal of imperialist adventurism--or perhaps by rightists who opposed German participation in the recently chartered Common Market, of which the ECSC was a forerunner.

And if Henry of Lancaster and Margaret of Anjou, with the high Catholic party, are to rule this land, all hope of religious freedom must perish absolutely, and we must prepare for a renewal of such scenes as the deaths and torture of such as Sawtre, Oldcastle, and others.