The Collaborative International Dictionary
Rencontre \Ren*con"tre\ (r?n-k?n"t?r; F. r?N` k?n"tr'), n. [F.] Same as Rencounter, n.
n. (context now rare English) A chance meeting or encounter.
Rencontre or La Rencontre may refer to:
- Rencontre East, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
- Rencontre West, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
- La rencontre imprévue, a 1763 opera by Gluck
- Diogenes and Alexander (La rencontre d'Alexandre et de Diogène de Sinope), a Puget bas relief
- La rencontre, an 1854 painting by Gustave Courbet nicknamed "Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet"
- La Rencontre, album by Emmanuel Moire 2015
Usage examples of "rencontre".
Not to be compared with jousting or a real rencontre with all weapons sharp.
Cassy had remarked the young man from her loophole in the garret, and seen him bear away the body of Tom, and observed with secret exultation, his rencontre with Legree.
Twelve days after this rencontre, Nelson sailed at the head of an expedition against Teneriffe.
The Christian Knight had hitherto looked on as one stupefied, so strangely had this rencontre contradicted, in its progress and event, all that he had previously conjectured.
Melvil to the house of a gentleman in the neighbourhood, who was kinsman to the Countess, and very well disposed to grant him a secure retreat, until the troublesome consequences of this rencontre should be overblown.
He could not help moralising upon this rencontre, which inspired him with great contempt for human nature.
The heart of the disabled old man swelled with joy when he heard that the challenge was passed and accepted, and the meeting fixed at a neutral spot, used as the place of rencontre upon such occasions, and which he himself had distinguished by numerous victories.
Adele was seldom sent for to his presence, and all my acquaintance with him was confined to an occasional rencontre in the hall, on the stairs, or in the gallery, when he would sometimes pass me haughtily and coldly, just acknowledging my presence by a distant nod or a cool glance, and sometimes bow and smile with gentlemanlike affability.
The heart of the disabled old man swelled with joy, when he heard that the challenge was passed and accepted, and the meeting fixed at a neutral spot, used as the place of rencontre upon such occasions, and which he himself had distinguished by numerous victories.
But these had been rencontres with two little raid-parties, hardly anything approaching a main Pictish body.
Guizot, "Tacite a peint les Germains comme Montaigne et Rousseau les sauvages, dans un acces d'humeur contre sa patrie: son livre est une satire des moeurs Romaines, l'eloquente boutade d'un patriote philosophe qui veut voir la vertu la, ou il ne rencontre pas la mollesse honteuse et la depravation savante d'une vielle societe.