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n. (plural of remembrancer English)

Usage examples of "remembrancers".

For many and many a day to come, wherever I go in this house, remembrancers of Jean will mutely speak to me of her.

And on the few surviving steamboats--those lingering ghosts and remembrancers of great fleets that plied the big river in the beginning of my water-career--which is exactly as long ago as the whole invoice of the life-years of Shakespeare numbers--there are still findable two or three river-pilots who saw me do creditable things in those ancient days.

Neither did her face—with the brown ringlets on either side, and the slightly piquant nose, and the wholesome bloom, and the clear shade of tan, and the half a dozen freckles, friendly remembrancers of the April sun and breeze—precisely give us a right to call her beautiful.