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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Remediless \Re*med"i*less\ (r?-m?d"?-l?s or r?m"?-d?-l?s; 277), a.

  1. Not admitting of a remedy; incapable of being restored or corrected; incurable; irreparable; as, a remediless mistake or loss. ``Chains remedilesse.''

    Hopeless are all my evils, all remediless.

  2. Not answering as a remedy; ineffectual. [Obs.]

    Forced to forego the attempt remediless.

    Syn: Incurable; cureless; irremediable; irrecoverable; irretrievable; irreparable; desperate. [1913 Webster] -- Re*med"i*less, adv. [Obs.]
    --Udall. -- Re*med"i*less*ly, adv. -- Re*med"i*less*ness, n.


a. Not having a remedy; not capable of being remedy. (from 16th c.)

Usage examples of "remediless".

I had not then been thus entangled in misfortune, thus every way closed in to remediless despair.

But we cannot refrain expressing our regret, that such formidable weapons in the cause of morality, should be suffered to be wielded by any indifferent or mercenary dealer, who undoubtedly will consult rather the public tastes than the private good: the evil may be remediless, yet we love to express our sentiments, though we should suggest nothing new or even profitable.

West India Islands, we have never heard of slavery in any country, ancient or modern, pagan, Mohammedan, or Christian, so terrible in its character, so pernicious in its tendency, so remediless in its anticipated results, as the slavery which exists in these United States.

So that each was secretly troubled, fearing lest this condition of the Lord Goldry Bluszco should prove remediless, and this that they now received back from prison but the poor remain of him they had so much desired.

Retaining his human affections, how excruciating and remediless his grief must be, to be so cut off from all equal community of experience and destiny with mankind, to see all whom he loves, generation after generation, fading away, leaving him alone, to form new ties again to be dissolved, to watch his beloved ones growing old and infirm, while he stands without a change!

Apollo weeping over the beauteous and darling boy, his slain and drooped Hyacinthus, is the sun shorn of his fierce beams and mourning over the annual wintry desolation: it is also Nature bewailing the remediless loss of man, her favorite companion.

Thus all men were lost, to be the prey of blackness, and fire, and the undying worm, through the remediless ages of eternity.

But thank God, their fall was not like the remediless fall of Lucifer and his angels, into eternal darkness.

Their education, their prejudices, their personal interests had all been in the opposite direction, and it was doubtless too much to hope that all these would be overcome by a victory for the Union--a victory which carried to their minds a sense of personal humiliation and of remediless ruin.