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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Remede \Re*mede"\ (r?-m?d"), n. Remedy. [Obs.]

Usage examples of "remede".

We be enformed that the sermons in latin which ever before this tyme, save now of late, be now gretly discontynued, to the gret hurt and disworship of the same, We therefore, desiring right affecturusely the increse of vertu and cunning in oure said Universite, wol and commande you straitly that ye with ripe and suffisant maturite, advise a sure remede in that party, by the which such sermons may thereafter be continued and inviolably observed, wherein ye shal do unto Us right singulier pleisir.

Remede there is none, save to make ballades and rondels, and forget sorrow in hunting rhymes, if thou art a maker.