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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Relucent \Re*lu"cent\ (r?-l?"sent), a. [L. relucens, p. pr. relucere. See Lucent.] Reflecting light; shining; glittering; glistening; bright; luminous; splendid.

Gorgeous banners to the sun expand Their streaming volumes of relucent gold.


a. shining with reflected light.

Usage examples of "relucent".

And Helios rose in her eyes, That were full as the dew-balls bright, Relucent to him as dews Unshaded.

And instant by instant the flood of varicolored flame that poured into its petalings down from the sapphire ovoids waxed and waned in crescendoes and diminuendoes of relucent harmonies--ecstatic, awesome.