Crossword clues for reloader
n. 1 One who reloads. 2 (context firearms English) A shooter who makes their own ammunition from separately purchased components. 3 (context firearms English) The equipment used by such a shooter, particularly a levered press used to force the components together. 4 (context firearms uncommon English) a speedloader.
Usage examples of "reloader".
On the floor beside the reloader was a microcassette recorder with a tape in it.
On the closet floor, dead ahead, was a Ponsness-Warren shot shell reloader with a built-in wad guide, an adjustable crimp die, and two powder reservoirs filled with rock salt.
For the immediate future only the primers in the hands of reloaders or already loaded in cartridges are available.
All the smokeless powders that exist are in the hands of sport reloaders who recognize its value for their own use.
In concession to water safety he had struck a compromise that was strictly against regulations: he didn’t wear the full belt with cuffs and reloaders and holster, but just the pistol in a lightweight breakaway holster on the belt of his trousers.