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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Relish \Rel"ish\ (r?l"?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Relished (-?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. Relishing.] [Of. relechier to lick or taste anew; pref. re- re-+ lechier to lick, F. l?cher. See Lecher, Lick.]

  1. To taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of; to partake of with gratification; hence, to enjoy; to be pleased with or gratified by; to experience pleasure from; as, to relish food.

    Now I begin to relish thy advice.

    He knows how to prize his advantages, and to relish the honors which he enjoys.

  2. To give a relish to; to cause to taste agreeably.

    A savory bit that served to relish wine.


vb. (en-past of: relish)

Usage examples of "relished".

The god remembered his flash of pleasure upon the death of the eagle, and Bhaal relished the thought of the much larger body that approached.

Tempus, brawny god of war and the deity worshiped by most of the northmen, relished the clash of battle, the shedding of blood, and the triumph of routing the enemy from the field.

The Red King relished the growing awareness of impending death and the expression of despair in the man's eyes.

The wines were excellent and Spktm obviously relished the yellow beverage it was served, though the first officer, Tipi, drank only water.

For instance, Anella relished reporting, Tolocamp was certain that the Healer and Harper would be applying to the Hold for substantial aid of food and medicine.

He chided himself for such thoughts on the one hand and, on the other, relished the joy of having them.

F'lar could not label the nature of Fax's compound reluctance to visit Ruatha, but the man had not relished the prospect and now reacted violently to being within these disturbing boundaries.

F'lar said, but Lessa could see how much he relished the shock he was about to give the entire Council, "an observatory must be constructed as soon as possible on a site, approved by Masters Wansor, Erragon, and Idarolan, on the Western Continent.

She relished that thought as she made her way up to Rhy's office, wondering just how he would handle that situation.

Marina would never turn her away, she was certain, and she relished the thought of Rhy's fury when he found she'd evaded him.

When she did wake, she lay there with a smile on her face as she relished how he would react to the interruption in his routine that she planned.

They didn’t know about his taste for adventure, or the way he relished danger.

He had relished the adventure, but the underlying reason for taking those risks had been a simple, rock-solid love of country.

Part of her even relished this little showdown, getting their animosity out into the open and going one-on-one with Tucker.

The driver apparently relished the challenge, for he made it across town at an incredible rate.