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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
politically/religiously etc inspired
▪ Apart from politically inspired race riots in the early 1960s, rarely did Black people behave badly towards us.
▪ Bykov denies wrong doing and says the forthcoming trial is politically inspired.
▪ Thirdly, there was now a legal precedent upon which to mount attacks on politically inspired censorship.
religiously oriented education
▪ He counted his money up religiously every night.
▪ I've been watching that show religiously for four years.
▪ Julia has been sticking religiously to her diet.
▪ A few had been exercising religiously for many years.
▪ A lot of them used to come in and religiously buy something every week.
▪ Especially in secondary schools, considerable sophistication is called for in order to sustain the interest of older and often religiously alienated pupils.
▪ How much time might a teacher have to spend religiously chasing-up ways of making small-scale economies?
▪ If by chance he does he purges himself by religiously prescribed ablutions.
▪ She had religiously adhered to the white squares.
▪ The fort became a trading post that attracted a religiously diverse population.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Religiously \Re*li"gious*ly\, adv. In a religious manner.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "in a religous manner," from religious + -ly (2). Transferred sense of "strictly, scrupulously" attested by 1570s.


adv. 1 In the manner of religion. 2 always.

  1. adv. by religion; "religiously inspired art" [syn: sacredly]

  2. with extreme conscientiousness; "he came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock" [syn: scrupulously, conscientiously]

Usage examples of "religiously".

They appeal to us not religiously, not historically, not intellectually, but sensuously and artistically through their rhythmic lines, their palpitating flesh, their beauty of color, and in the light and atmosphere that surround them.

If she went out with Milt Warden every afternoon, she was still always religiously home to Dana before nine.

The abbey was funded with an endowment that totaled in the millions of euros, funds long ago acquired and religiously maintained so as to ensure that the Order would never suffer financially.

The division over the constitutionality of abortion laws was more ideologically and religiously doctrinal than politically partisan.

Religiously he says he is a Jew, but by blood he is an Idumaean, apparently not quite the same thing as a Judaean.

Who will be brave enough to say that the colored race, as a whole, has not increased in numbers and grown stronger mentally, morally, religiously, industrially, and in the accumulation of property?

In no region is the credo more religiously followed than South Florida, which has become so urbanized and perilous that tourists stay away by the millions, and longtime residents bail out in droves.

And justly and religiously unfold Why the Law Salique, that they have in France Or should or should not bar us in our claim.

When his devotions to his feathered god, Kukailimoku, were concluded, a certain religiously disposed individual, who had a bird god, suggested to the King that through its influence his sickness might be removed.

For even those gondoliers who kept the mariegole were not precisely angels, and the part of their creed which they religiously upheld was a deathless antagonism to the rival faction which won more lamps and pretty gifts for the patron madonnas of the various traghetti than any other article of their faith.

So I issued orders that no one was to offend them religiously, from the rankers all the way up to my senior legates.

The abalone meat they pounded religiously to a verse of doggerel improvised by Saxon.

Quentin read like a scholar, religiously looking up every bibliographical reference and reading each footnote.

Esther begs to be allowed to keep the letters, promising to 'preserve them religiously all her life.

The modest oracle told the princess to make use of the same water for her ablutions of every part of her body where she desired to obtain the same result, and she obeyed the prescription religiously.