- Adversary of U. S. Grant
- Biography by Freeman
- Civil War general
- U.S. Grant foe
- CSA signature
- Appomattox also-ran
- CSA general
- U.S. Grant's adversary
- Signature at Appomattox
- CSA leader
- US Grant opponent
- U.S. Grant cosignatory
- Confederate hero
- Virginian's signature
- US Grant's counterpart
- US Grant adversary
- Surrenderer to U.S. Grant
- Stone Mountain, Ga., honoree
- Signature of a Southern general
- Signature of a general
- Rival of U.S. Grant
- Pulitzer-winning biography of a Confederate general
- Pulitzer-winning biography of 1935
- Pulitzer-winning biography by Douglas S. Freeman
- Pulitzer-winning 1934 biography
- Old Dominion signature
- J.E.B. Stuart's boss
- Gen. at Gettysburg
- CSA notable
- CSA big shot
- Civil War-ending signature
- C.S.A. signature
- Appomattox man
- 1934 Douglas Freeman biography
- Noted Civil War biography
- U.S. Grant opponent
- C.S.A. general
- U. S. Grant opponent
- U.S. Grant adversary
- Opponent of U. S. Grant
- Confederate signature
- Pulitzer-winning biography of a Civil War general
- Civil War signature
- Best-selling biography of 1934
- Gen. in the Confederacy
- U. S. Grant's foe
- Confederate general, for short
- Historical biography that won a 1935 Pulitzer
- 1935 Pulitzer-winning biography
- Storied C.S.A. commander
- 31-Down general's signature
- Confederate genl.'s signature
- U. S. Grant rival
- Noted Civil War signature
- J. E. B. Stuart's superior in the Civil War
- Book by D. S. Freeman
- D. S. Freeman subject
- D. S. Freeman book
- Appomattox signature
- U. S. Grant's rival
- Freeman book about a C.S.A. leader
- G. G. Meade's Gettysburg foe
- U. S. Grant counterPArt
- T. J. Jackson's boss
- Freeman biography
- Historic signature