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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
relating to
▪ Type any comments relating to the document.
▪ And certain personnel records can be withheld, for example, as can documents relating to pending litigation.
▪ Another charge, relating to the release of some rioters apprehended during an attack on a prison, was dropped.
▪ No regulations relating to night sets apply to the non-US fleet.
▪ Other particular provisions allow parents to be given special information relating to their child.
▪ The less tangible effects of the Senate bill will come from the provisions relating to jobs and social services for immigrants.
▪ Their designs and inscriptions, for instance, are an unrivalled source of systematic detail relating to political history, religion and culture.
▪ There are a multitude of other very significant changes on specific matters relating to monopolies and styles of practice.

Usage examples of "relating to".

The chakras look like whirls of moving energy, roughly circular in shape although the one at the brow, relating to the third-eye area, is oval.

Leah, too, was feeling very low when she came to see me in 1980 suffering from extreme tension, owing to difficulties relating to her work, boyfriend, daughter and parents!

For not only do I no longer possess the tokens, mementos, documents and diaries relating to the journey, but in the difficult years of misfortune, sickness and deep affliction which have elapsed since then, a large number of my recollections have also vanished.

While the biological concepts relating to Trill humanoid hosts and vermiform symbionts fascinated her, particularly in the years after her very personal encounter with Ambassador Odan, the doctor was well aware that the risks associated with any emergency medical treatment escalated steeply for both Trill beings in a symbiotic relationship.

Like Altman, he was growing a little impatient of this excessive caution, but on all matters relating to alien life-forms Bertrond was the expert, and they had to obey his orders.

I requested all Chiefs to instruct their senior officers to key in information relating to serious rapes where the defence is consent.

With this business relating to the crow girls still so fresh in his mind, he wasn't quite ready to dismiss Lily's experience as something she'd only imagined.