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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rejoin \Re*join"\ (r?-join"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Rejoined (-joind"); p. pr. & vb. n. Rejoining.] [F. rejoindre; pref. re- re- + joindre to join. See Join, and cf. Rejoinder.]

  1. To join again; to unite after separation.

  2. To come, or go, again into the presence of; to join the company of again.

    Meet and rejoin me, in the pensive grot.

  3. To state in reply; -- followed by an object clause.


vb. (en-past of: rejoin)


"Rejoined" is the 78th episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the sixth of the fourth season. It originally aired on October 30, 1995, in broadcast syndication. The episode received a record volume of feedback from viewers for the series, both positive and negative, as it marked one of the first televised lesbian kisses.

Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures on Deep Space Nine, a space station located near a stable wormhole between the Alpha and Gamma quadrants of the Milky Way Galaxy. The plot of "Rejoined" expands on the Trill species, of which Jadzia Dax is a member. They are formed of a host and a symbiont, with the symbiont passed from host to host as the previous one dies. In the episode, Dax is reunited with Lenara Kahn, the ex-wife of one of its former hosts. The two struggle with their feelings for one another because of the taboo in their species against reuniting with loved ones of former hosts.

The episode was the first that writers Ronald D. Moore and René Echevarria wrote together, and it was directed by main cast member Avery Brooks. In the first draft, Dax's former partner was written as male, but after this was changed, the story was cleared through studio executives. The Trill taboo was intended to be an allegory for homosexuality and homophobia. "Rejoined" received a Nielsen rating of seven percent on the first broadcast in syndication. Reviews have been mostly positive towards the episode because of its message, but there was criticism that the plot was not exciting enough and there was a negative reaction from some viewers.

Usage examples of "rejoined".

When he had quite done with it, he shook himself in a very doglike manner, and rejoined the ladies.

Without saying a word in reply, or giving them a look of reproach, he followed the old woman who had summoned him (and who had now rejoined them) into another room, where his infant friend, half-dressed, lay stretched upon a bed.

But it was gone in a minute, and he sturdily rejoined that the gentleman must look out for somebody else, as he did think he might have done at first.

The landlady, by no means satisfied with this assurance, which she considered an ingenious evasion of the question, rejoined that he had his reasons of course.

Brass rejoined that it would have been well for the prisoner if he had thought of that, before, and was about to make some other gloomy observations when the voice of the single gentleman was heard, demanding from above-stairs what was the matter, and what was the cause of all that noise and hurry.

Miles had his pocket-book out in an instant, and referring to an entry therein, rejoined, “Certainly.

Davidge followed, and having thrown the slack of the painter ashore, Cross rejoined his chum.

The launch had been made fast fore and aft, but the bowman had rejoined his companions in the large open cockpit.

The light streaming over his shoulders fell upon the Calderian uniforms of the two seamen who had completed their work aft and had rejoined their leader.

I can but tell you part, my friend,” rejoined the other, “yet 'tis passing simple.

Miss Fairfax rejoined drily, "I would scold you, general, for those lyrical effusions if they were intended for anybody else.

Rosemary rejoined more gently, "But when you are trying to talk nonsense, I must in self-defence bring you back to sanity.

Rosemary rejoined, and in her eyes there came a look so soft, so tender, so womanly, that the man on whom it fell hardly dared to meet it.

Rosemary rejoined, whilst Jasper went immediately to fetch the passports.

Rosemary rejoined with a triumphant little laugh, "but you need not be the least afraid.