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n. The political position of rejecting a nation's right to exist, usually specifically the right of Israel to exist


Rejectionism is an attitude or policy of rejection toward some fact or objective. The Arab or Palestinian opposition to the existence, recognition of, or negotiation with the state of Israel is often considered a form of rejectionism. though this may be more specifically characterized as "Arab rejectionism" or "Palestinian rejectionism."

There are other situations in international law considered to be forms of rejectionism. For example, a situation inverted from the above, whereby the Israeli government is reluctant to accept or negotiate with the Palestinians is a form of rejectionism. Another common instance of rejectionism is a school of thinking in regard to Articles 2.4 and Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, related to the use of force by states for the purpose of humanitarian intervention. Such rejectionists reject the UN Charter as a concrete guide for the states to abide by. Therefore, the United Nations Charter is ineffective in regulating state behavior.

Rarely, rejectionism may appear in contexts unrelated to international law, such as in reference to the anti-vaccination movement. In general, a policy stance being characterized as "rejectionist" is considered derogatory, as it often comes with the implication that its adherents are being unreasonable.