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rejection letter

n. A letter which informs of the fact that you are rejected, especially one which imparts that you are not accepted for a job.

Usage examples of "rejection letter".

It is no wonder that such a rejection letter kept me hotly charged with enormous enthusiasm to write, and I got promptly to work on a third story.

I'll go see the movie for the hell of it and that letter, you call me up if you find that rejection letter maybe we can still get someplace.

I know its wrong to pray for things like that, but I am begging you, Lord, if you exist, which Im not sure you do because you let them cancel Joan of Arcadia and send that mean rejection letter to me, DO NOT LET LILLY HAVE WON SIXTEEN MAGAZINES FICTION CONTEST!

Indeed, I sent it off to a science fiction magazine and got back a more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger rejection letter.

A brilliant touch of irony, or so shed thought, until the publishing house to which shed sent it returned the manuscript three months later with a scribbled notation on the bottom of the printed rejection letter: Didnt know you could die from poison ivy?

Fortunately no more than ten replied, so we were spared the awkwardness of sending Norman Mailer a rejection letter.

Actually, he had never heard from anybody, although occasionally he received a standard rejection letter.