The Collaborative International Dictionary
Rejecter \Re*ject"er\ (r?-j?kt"?r), n. One who rejects.
n. 1 One who rejects. 2 (cx derogatory Salafism Takfirism English) Rafidhite, Shiite
Usage examples of "rejecter".
In it, Mo predicted that Israel would be invaded and conquered by the Soviet Union, Libya, and other Arab nations, and he prophesied (supposedly God speaks in King James language), "Therefore I will rise up and destroy the *** who calleth thyself Israel, O ye children of the devil, and I will return my land unto them whom I have given it, that they may be forgiven from the ***, O ye enemies of the Almighty and ye crucifiers of the Son of God and ye rejecters of thy King!
We do not know what may befall us at that moment, whether God will allow scoffers and mockers and rejecters to change their minds.
They are really very thorough rejecters of the world—perhaps they live only in the gesture of rejection and negation—but negatively something, at any rate.