See Ray, Iran for the city of Ray, south of Tehran.
Reishahr was a city in Fars province in ancient Sassanid Persia.
Located in the Arjan region, the city was also called Riu-Ardashir .
The city is mentioned by many a historian, such as Farhang-i Anandraj, Hamdollah Mostowfi's Nuzhat-ul qolub, Majmal al-tawarikh, and Ibn Balkhi's Farsnameh.
In particular, some historians such as Yaqut al-Hamawi's Mu'jam Al-Buldan write of the city being centered on a pre-Islamic academic center of higher learning where scholars converged to study medicine as well as Indian and Greek sciences.
Dehkhoda dictionary mentions that the city was eventually deserted and its inhabitants moved to Bushehr.