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  1. interpreted again v

  2. (en-past of: reinterpret)

Usage examples of "reinterpreted".

Zoroastrian dualism, the same arrogant assumption that the Goddess could be banished, when all that was banished was a poorly differentiated mythos that many ecofeminists have severely reinterpreted to fit their ideology.

The Founders had left sketches and paintings and descriptions, however, which had been reinterpreted by generations of artists.

The superconscious is reduced to the subconscious, the transpersonal is collapsed to the prepersonal, the emergence of the higher is reinterpreted as an irruption from the lower.

Christian tradition, which once supported political absolutism, was reinterpreted to accept the democratic ideal.

Vague discomfort in certain parts of the body is reinterpreted as childhood rape.