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n. 1 (context uncountable English) The condition of being reinterpreted 2 (context countable English) A new interpretation

  1. n. a new or different meaning

  2. a new or different interpretation


In the analysis of 18th- and 19th-century Western music, an elision, overlap, or rather reinterpretation (Umdeutung), is the perception, after the fact, of a ( metrically weak) cadential chord at the end of one phrase as the (metrically strong) initial chord of the next phrase. Two phrases may overlap, making the beginning and ending of both happen at the same moment in time, or both phrases and hypermeasures may overlap, making the last bar in the first hypermeasure and the first in the second. Charles Burkhart uses overlap and reinterpretation to distinguish between the overlap of phrases and of both phrase and measure-group, respectively.

Usage examples of "reinterpretation".

As the radius of the circular dimension shrinks to the Planck length and, in the mold of general relativity, continues to shrink to yet smaller lengths, string theory insists upon a radical reinterpretation of what actually happens.

Ballard, Toni Morrison, Salman Rushdie and Alice Walker, the theme of personal memory, of the constant examination, interpretation and reinterpretation of lived experience, is central.

Morlocks I had seen was devoted to the further gathering of information, or to the classification and reinterpretation of the data already collected.

The beauty of prophecies is that they are so conveniently open to countless reinterpretations, as the demand presents itself.

It is clear that, if our analysis of physical objects has been valid, this way of defining sensations needs reinterpretation.