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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reinstall \Re`in*stall"\ (-st?l"), v. t. [Pref. re- + install: cf. F. r['e]installer.] To install again.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also re-install, 1590s, from re- + install. Related: Re-installed; re-installing.


n. reinstallation vb. To install again.


v. install again; "She reinstalled the the washer after it had been repaired"

Usage examples of "reinstall".

This man having been reinstalled in his offices, for by trade he is a priest and a necromancer, stated to the king in my presence that the lady Myra yonder was not a princess of the royal blood of Egypt as Pharaoh Amasis had declared, but the low-born wife of an Egyptian named Ramose, a son of Pharaoh Apries and the lady Chloe, believing which, my father publicly put away the lady Myra and from that day till his death never looked upon her face again.

We need to uninstall the software, replace the nonstandard components of the hardware, then reinstall.

We need to uninstall the software, replace the nonstandard components of the hardware, then reinstall.

London house, had their furnishings fetched and reinstalled, and filled the place with servants again.

Former business associates passed him on the street without a flicker of recognition, the old Bud was gone, it was as if the plasma of his identity had been abruptly extracted, exposed to a new type of light, then thoughtlessly reinstalled with the unprospected flats thrown into rough relief, familiar prominences reduced to background shadow.

It may yet be some time before we are reinstalled to our rightful estate.

The Chief, Pilot Haynes, and I sealed the bridge, put Darla on keyboard-only, removed the safeties we had reinstalled, and got to work.

I've had to get the framers back in to rip it out and reinstall it, and then the drywallers are standing by to redo the walls, and then the painters will be here to get it painted in time for the party.

In panic the city fathers tore down the new lights and reinstalled the awful old ones, so that now Denver had one of the few unique Christmas displays in America.

They splice in the coding DNA and the promoter DNA, reinstall a new protein coat around this new ring of DNA, and bam, they have a delivery vehicle that infects a foreign cell and installs new coding sequences.

They dismantled, transported and reinstalled PC networks during office relocations, ensuring that all of the machines made it from A to B, and that they still did what they used to when somebody hit the On switch.

Surely those two knuckle-bangers could reinstall the engine without help while Sorel and his hired guns made tracks elsewhere.

He took an hour fussing with Windows, reinstalling it on the new drive, then began the task of reading his lecture files back in.

Qatar busied himself reinstalling software on the new drive, rebuilding his art files from the ZIP disks.

He had looked forward eagerly to the Magister's receiving him, listening to his report, and reinstalling him in the small community of players, perhaps in some confidential post.