Reinecke can mean:
Usage examples of "reinecke".
He gave the amazed Reinecke a blistering dressing-down and ordered him to parade each shift an hour before their work commenced.
At that time there were six shifts - manning the radar machinery was tiring for the plotters working in darkness and gruelling for the men exposed to the sea breeze - and so Reinecke found himself on parade six hours out of the twenty-four.
Willi Reinecke was not above stealing, lying and even falsifying documents to ensure that his men were properly clothed and fed.
For the first week or so August had used one of the younger technicians to help him plot the bombers, but Reinecke always appeared, whenever there were enemy planes in the sector and finally August worked with him one night.
In short, Willi Reinecke was a conundrum and that, more than any other thing, was what drew August close to him.
Willi Reinecke called to August Bach down the length of lie dimly lit T hut.
Ermine Willi Reinecke quickly wiped the wax pencil marks off the frosted glass as the kitchen orderly returned with more coffee.
Willi Reinecke also got a job with the RAF in Germany after the war, although he had to falsify his age to do it.
Hitler commanded him to crush the uprising and obey only the commands of Goebbels, Himmler, who he said had just been named the commander of the Replacement Army and who was en route by plane to Berlin, and General Reinecke, who happened to be in the capital and had been ordered to take over the command of all troops in the city.
A few minutes afterward it was learned that General von Hase, the Berlin commandant, who had started Major - now Colonel - Remer on his fateful errand, had been arrested and that the Nazi General, Reinecke, backed by the S.
By the advice of the celebrated violinist, Ole Bull, Grieg was sent in 1858 to Leipsic for further instruction, where he became a pupil of Moscheles, Hauptmann, Reinecke, Richter and Wenzel.
In 1853 Bruch gained the Mozart Stipendium of 400 gulden per annum for four years at Frankfort-on-Main, and for the following few years studied under Hiller, Reinecke and Breunung.
The Picaresque novel in Spain and its counterparts, Till Eulenspiegel or Reinecke Vos in the north, told the adventures of some rascal or vagabond.
I fancied Reinecke a decent composer, Schopenhauer remarkable, if somewhat bitter in his philosophic attitude towards life.
The story was related to me by a pupil of Reinecke, and Reinecke got it from Mendelssohn.