Crossword clues for regulators
n. (plural of regulator English)
Usage examples of "regulators".
Not so long ago, there would have been pictures of the MotoKops and the characters from The Regulators hung, not just here, but all along the length of the tunnel.
If he brings the regulators back in the meantime, we'll have to just .
If the regulators come back, boys, they'll blow your little roadblock right over the nearest ice cap.
And if all the men were required to spend a good part of the winter tramping round the colony subduing Regulators instead of hunting .
I think Tryon only means to frighten the Regulators into good behavior.
Whatever happens with the Regulators, we know perfectly well that it isn't going to be an all-out war.
Hunter and a few other Regulators hung about to give Husband moral support, but most of the guests were planters and merchants.
And whatever Husband and his Regulators were up to, they were doing it at a safe distance.
Hillsborough had been taken by the Regulators, who were preparing to fire the town associates to the sword.
Hinton Is Detachment was left behind, with a View to prevent the disaffected in that Countyfrom forming into a Body, and joining the Regulators in the adjacent Counties.
Ybe Purport of which Message was that on nursday Evening the 9tb Instant the Regulators to the Number of two nousand surrounded his Camp, and in the most daring& insolent Man ner required the General to retreat with the Troops over the Yadkin River, of which he was then within two Miles.
He's with the Regulators, ayeP I was on a wee hill, lookin' down across the stream, and saw him in the distance.
Hermon Husband was the closest thing the Regulators had to a real leader.
It had rained lightly in the afternoon, and banks of cloud still covered the eastern sky The edges of those clouds glowed faintly red-not from the slanting rays of sunset, but from the fires of the Regulators, camped invisibly on the opposite bank of the Alamance.
I lament the fatal Necessity to which you have now reduced me, by withdrawing yourselvesfrom the Mercy of the Crown, and the Laws ofyour Country, to require You are assembled as Regulators, to lay down your Arms, Surrender up the outlawed Ringleaders, and Submit yourselves to the Laws ofyour Country, and then rest on the lenity and Mercy of Government.