▪ For the past two years his photograph has regularly appeared in the Corsican press.
▪ But in high school his passion had turned to painting, and his work regularly appeared in annual exhibitions.
▪ This huge flightless bird has regularly appeared in illustrated fossil books as a giant carnivore.
▪ They regularly appeared as part of the banquet fare of the day.
▪ Infantilized, she used to appear regularly in hagiographical volumes, especially those designed for the edification of small girls.
▪ Prices of the funds appear regularly in the Financial Times, etc.
▪ She kept bees in Jane's orchard and would appear regularly swathed in black net with her eleven-year-old son in tow.
▪ New versions of each format appear regularly and each update has new features.
▪ To get the most out of lectures, it pays to attend regularly.
▪ Mrs Carter pushed for mental health legislation and regularly attended cabinet meetings.
▪ Review the staff meetings schedule to make sure everyone is able to attend regularly.
▪ Various indicators suggest less than 10 percent of San Franciscans regularly attend church.
▪ Suppose, for example, you regularly attend a weekly meeting which tends to be deadly dull.
▪ A good committee member will attend regularly to follow the sequence of matters at each meeting.
▪ He attended regularly but never spoke.
▪ Only about 7 % of locals regularly attend church.
▪ Her wound was checked regularly for excess drainage but none was detected.
▪ What's more all the holiday parks listed are regularly checked and graded by tourist board inspectors.
▪ Male speaker It's important bridges of this age are regularly checked.
▪ The Computer Group Manager should regularly check the progress that is being made towards resolving the problems that are under his control.
▪ Also the battery needs to be checked regularly especially if the child is wetting frequently.
▪ The patient's normal temperature range is established following admission and checked regularly in the early post-operative period.
▪ Benefits rates and totals should be regularly checked as well.
▪ These children are regularly checked, their teachers are consulted and advised, and conductors visit their schools.
▪ Exercise stimulates the brain so, in general, students who exercise regularly will look and be fit.
▪ If you are overweight, over 40 or not exercising regularly, take the test, know your score.
▪ But the maximum weight loss will be achieved by those who stick rigidly to the diet plan and who exercise regularly.
▪ Under duress, it regularly exercises this will to sabotage the earnest efforts of its well-intentioned host.
▪ Also, students who exercise regularly put less strain on their cardiovascular systems while accomplishing tasks.
▪ So he started exercising regularly and eating low-calorie foods and, lo and behold, trimmed down to a svelte 290.
▪ Rotational needs - the venue may change when meetings are held regularly to allow delegates equal ease of access 5.
▪ Nationally, nearly 50 scooter clubs have cropped up, and scooter runs are held regularly in nearly every state.
▪ A prize draw was held regularly, and winners were awarded specially designed T shirts.
▪ Services are held regularly, and once a month prisoners are taken on a religious retreat nearby.
▪ Fairs were held regularly with the markets but they were by no means profitable.
▪ Major international events Volunteering in individual sports includes regularly held events within the domestic calendar of each sport.
▪ The only place where artists, intellectuals and the students could meet regularly were the cafes.
▪ These few basic rules can make your group maximally helpful:-#Meet regularly at a mutually acceptable time and place.
▪ A special thanks to our prayer support group who meet regularly at John and Rosemary Turner's.
▪ Over the next year and a half, management met regularly with union officials, and both met regularly with workers.
▪ Friendly support is offered by small groups of mothers and children meeting regularly in the daytime in each others houses.
▪ Over the next year and a half, management met regularly with union officials, and both met regularly with workers.
▪ In some areas fundholders had formed liaison groups and were meeting regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise.
▪ And my mother was always making me and my sister perform regularly.
▪ They also, as do the other groups, regularly perform in the hotels and some typical restaurants in the island.
▪ Have you even tried to draw up a list of the actions you have to perform regularly to succeed?
▪ Reverse phase microscopy was performed regularly to monitor the progress of the cultures.
▪ It would have been stunning if Brown had played regularly before this incident.
▪ Last year three hundred and sixty pupils were injured from three thousand schools who regularly play the game.
▪ These days, he plays regularly with friends and in a local league in his hometown of Pensacola, Fla.
▪ She did considerable freelance work while establishing her trio, eventually playing regularly with drummer Steve Davis and several excellent bassists.
▪ He participated in the 1992 Olympics and he has played regularly with his traveling team.
▪ He insisted on returning to his old school, where he passed his exams and regularly plays football.
▪ He also plays regularly with various brass ensembles and has worked with many London orchestras.
▪ The postholder is required to report regularly to the Head of Section on these activities and operations.
▪ Professional development teachers rarely seemed to have been offered an induction programme or had their work regularly reviewed.
▪ They regularly review engineering and architectural drawings and specifications to monitor progress and ensure compliance with plans and specifications.
▪ All but three of the 42 patients were regularly reviewed in the coeliac clinic, which was established in 1978.
▪ Each person's care plan is reviewed regularly and up-dated.
▪ The stock of books, corporate information, and government publications are carefully selected and reviewed regularly.
▪ They are reviewed regularly and financial pressures are forcing many charities to tighten their qualifying criteria.
▪ In any event the relevant figure should be reviewed regularly to take account of inflation.
▪ Regularly reviewing the marketplace, researching and identifying trends, customer needs, and competitor activity.
▪ She is scheduled to have the first of regularly scheduled two-way video conferences with her family on Sunday.
▪ The board has had eight regularly scheduled meetings so far this year.
▪ This study demonstrated the need to do more careful appraisals of anthropometric measurements on a regularly scheduled basis.
▪ Almost all hospitals have regularly scheduled tours of the labor and delivery area and the postpartum divisions.
▪ These materials are used on a regularly scheduled basis.
▪ If you find your mail regularly takes more than a few minutes to arrive, you should seriously consider switching providers.
▪ He regularly takes days off to rest his back....
▪ Automatic weighing machines are very accurate and sample packs are taken regularly and weighed as a check.
▪ A large segment of the population surveyed was regularly taking vitamin supplements.
▪ We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect.
▪ He was baptized, confirmed at the age of 13, and regularly took communion at Mass.
▪ He is an enthusiastic member of Chichester Water Ski Club, and regularly takes part in competitions.
▪ Women need to have smears taken regularly.
▪ Run the program on your machine, with your particular hardware combination and with any other support programs you may use regularly.
▪ Leasure advises consumers to amass coupons only for products you regularly use, organize the coupons by aisles in the supermarket.
▪ It was obvious this part of the building was used regularly.
▪ Weapon convoys regularly use the M8 motorway through central Glasgow.
▪ The collection is regularly used in exhibits and educational programs.
▪ Its shape and worn appearance confirm that it is used regularly.
▪ Some of the things I use regularly, others not at all.
▪ She receives physiotherapy three or four times a week and is regularly visited by the district nurse.
▪ Flynn got all the really difficult contracts, or the ones John was unsure of being able to visit regularly.
▪ Parents are generally supportive and regularly visit the school both as adult helpers or to talk to staff.
▪ Two branches in Birmingham were visited regularly for over a year between 1980 and 1981.
▪ And the family regularly visit his grave.
▪ It was visited regularly by Hoppy and all those kind of people.
▪ Sometimes little more is said even of grandparents who were visited regularly.
▪ He occasionally went for lonely walks on the moors, and regularly visited his wife's grave.
▪ Journalists who are working regularly in a certain field come to know the look of your paper and this can be useful.
▪ Today, more than 100 people work regularly on the site.
▪ Four members of staff working regularly on over-time succeeded in reducing this backlog to less than 9,000 by the end of the year.
▪ They remained on the cars for about a year, working regularly on route 16/18.
▪ It worked regularly for over a hundred and fifty years, its machinery driven by an undershot wheel which remains.
▪ All of us who work regularly in groups should try to identify our own defensive and constructive behaviour.
▪ And they work regularly in the courts.
▪ Both my sons phone me regularly, usually once a week.
▪ Children are required to attend school regularly.
▪ Company reports are published regularly and sent out to all shareholders.
▪ I've been going jogging regularly for a couple of years now.
▪ The teenage Presley regularly visited Memphis blues clubs.
▪ But other jocks of the period, notably white announcer Alan Freed, took money regularly.
▪ Each will be revised regularly to check on progress, and raise standards higher.
▪ One primary intervention therefore was for me to liaise regularly with the ward so that Mrs Allen was fully informed about the situation.
▪ Picking up droppings must be done regularly to keep the grazing sweet.
▪ She is scheduled to have the first of regularly scheduled two-way video conferences with her family on Sunday.
▪ So he started exercising regularly and eating low-calorie foods and, lo and behold, trimmed down to a svelte 290.
▪ The 29-year-old father of two said he was a casual smoker and did not use drugs regularly.
▪ Thirty years later, I am in academia myself and realize now that people are moved out of Department Chair positions regularly.