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regular folks

n. (alternative form of just folks English)

Usage examples of "regular folks".

Now that I've had some practice I can read a sparky person from a long ways off, and even regular folks I can do a little reading, even through walls and windows.

Last week a congressional subcommittee meeting in Belle Glade heard from scores of regular folks who said that wiping out federal price guarantees would wipe out their way of life.

But regular folks didn't have that option, and rather despised the rich because they did.

He got to know and like some of 'em, found out they was regular folks and all, and got a real heavy conscience.

You had several dozen confirmed kills to your credit, and regular folks treated you like the second coming of Elvis-twenty years earlier, they would have spit on you if they even thought you were military.

They looked, talked, and acted just like regular folks, and none but some of the Talents could tell them apart from the crowd.