Crossword clues for regressive
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Regressive \Re*gress"ive\ (r?*gr?s"?v), a. [Cf. F. r['e]gressif.]
Passing back; returning.
Characterized by retrogression; retrogressive. Regressive metamorphism.
(Biol.) See Retrogression.
(Physiol.) See Katabolism.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1630s; see regress + -ive. In reference to taxation, it is attested from 1889. Related: Regressively.
a. 1 That tends to return, revert or regress. 2 (context of a tax English) Whose rate decreases as the amount increases.
adj. (of taxes) adjusted so that the rate decreases as the amount increases [ant: progressive]
opposing progress [ant: progressive]
Usage examples of "regressive".
Now she was in a region of ambivalent drives, and of nebulous and stillborn wishes, anxieties, doubts interwoven with regressive beliefs and libido wishes of a fantastic nature.
In the rear seats of the gefcar, Moryn and Olane relaxed, drank brandy, watched the mountains and moors of Cumberland flash by, looked ahead towards Scotland, impatient to reach the Southern Uplands the beginning of regressive country.
And the awkwardness of their first efforts would be published in the all psychiatric journals as proof of the regressive and schizzy nature of their unsocial and unnatural impulse toward walking, right?
The attitude seemed to be that the book was unliberated or politically regressive because of that.
Emptiness, and not through a regressive dissolution of dialogical intersubjectivity into atomistic monological states and reductionistic mindless cognitive mechanism, the path the authors all too often stray into.
Alone in the dark and fog in front of the Foster house, seduced by the echoey cry of the regressives, he longed to exercise the control of his physical being that the Change had granted him.
And those regressives who killed for the primal thrill of blood sport were the worst of all psychotics who had chosen devolution over evolution.
Even though Freud doesn't see the Great Circle of Ascent and Descent, he of course makes use of what small segment of it he does understand: in psychoanalytic therapy, one engages in "regression in service of ego"that is, one descends back into a lower level that was alienated and split off by fear and anxiety (by Phobos), reintegrates that level by embracing it with love and acceptance (Agape), and thus releases that lower level from being a regressive pull, releases it from being in the grips of Thanatos, and allows it to rejoin the ongoing march of a higher identity and a wider love of others (Eros).
Were it only the Self of nature and not also of nation (culture and morality), then it would be a perfectly regressive, dualistic, and amoralist stance, glorifying merely an egocentric joy in finding oneself vitally reflected in the biosphere (and the rain whispers in its ear, I am here for you).
But if depth is confused with span (or with size), then the resultant "holistic sequence of wider wholes" ends up being perfectly regressive and antiholistic!
Schelling's brilliant synthesis and integration of the Ego and the Eco stand in sharp contrast to the plethora of today's approaches to the environment, which still typically pursue either the Egoic-rational calculative adventure ("reform environmentalism"), or fall into various forms of regressive Eco-Romantic "reechantment.
Thus, by simply absolutizing the biosphere, by privileging it in an ontology of regressive leveling, the Eco camp contributes precisely nothing to noospheric integration (and thus everything to biospheric disintegration).
Your son is anal retentive, obsessive-compulsive, orally fixated, regressive -- a potential ding-dong.
A tranquilizer gun would be of little use, unfortunately, because regressives were New People gone bad, and all New People, regressive or not, had radically altered metabolisms that not only allowed for magically fast healing but for the rapid absorption, breakdown, and rejection of toxic substances like poison or tranquilizers.
Joseph Pechman was one of the leading specialists who pointed out that despite the progressivity that was built into some of the tax system, there are other regressive factors which enter in in all sorts of ways that end up making it very near a fixed percentage.