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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
register office
▪ A little too much wind, and everyone patting his hair back into place inside the door of the register office.
▪ Not strictly speaking, because the wedding was in a register office, and you don't have a best man.
▪ The ceremony had taken place in a register office as both families were agnostic.
▪ Their footsteps rang hollow in the register office like a bad comic going off stage.
▪ When he returned they lived together before marrying in a quiet register office ceremony in December 1986.
register office

n. (context British English) The local office in which births, marriages and deaths are registered, and in which civil marriages are conducted

Register office

A register office (registry office, a common colloquialism) is a British government office where births, deaths and marriages are officially recorded and civil marriages take place.

Usage examples of "register office".

Julian and Gayle on the steps of the Register Office, husband and wife.

As if to prove the point, within days of the child's birth he and Miss Salmon were married quietly in a register office.

The following summer Daphne and Percy were themselves married, not at Chelsea Register Office but at St.

No grating for the wedding ring to fall down, I thought to myself happily as we entered the register office.

Johnson took a cursory view, and then to what is called the Laigh (or Under) Parliament House, where the records of Scotland, which has an universal security by register, are deposited, till the great Register Office be finished.

Anne and John had been married at a register office, she 19, he 20.