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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Refurnish \Re*fur"nish\ (-n?sh), v. t. To furnish again.


vb. furnish again, get new furnishing for


v. furnish with new or different furniture; "We refurnished the living room"

Usage examples of "refurnish".

But his eldest son pesters him until he gets rid of the poor people who rent the outer sections and lets him refurnish the entire mansion.

I had actually been working for years, without knowing it, to refurnish the bookshelves at Tibur in advance.

He wore them a whole week, and it was only when he began systematically to refurnish the radio shack that he threw them overboard.

State should pay he undertook to rebuild and refurnish the house himself.

You ought to know that I am not going to refurnish the rooms for you, or anything of that kind.

The study had never been refurnished since the Winters first moved in.

Glenn looked round the redecorated and refurnished drawing room of the Winter house in Berlin.

The long low room was refurnished from the Abbey sale, with chairs upholstered in claret-coloured rep, many years old, and an oval table of polished walnut, and another piano, handsome, though still antique.

A spare parlour and bedroom I refurnished entirely, with old mahogany and crimson upholstery: I laid canvas on the passage, and carpets on the stairs.

Our hero then sought out the Earl of Ployer, who had been brought up in England during the French wars, by whom he was refurnished better than ever.

In the course of this fortnight I made the acquaintance of Madame Pernon, and spent a good deal of money with her husband, a rich mercer, in refurnishing my wardrobe.

Turner is a man of good means, and since his marriage, about six months back, has been refurnishing the Vicarage, and paying away large sums for old oak furniture and for pictures.

While her Maries helped her to disrobe she talked excitedly of the way in which they would refurnish these apartments.

A spare parlour and bedroom I refurnished entirely, with old mahogany and crimson upholstery: I laid canvas on the passage, and carpets on the stairs.

Turner is a man of good means, and since his marriage, about six months back, has been refurnishing the Vicarage, and paying away large sums for old oak furniture and for pictures.